one day I woke up heavily and I barely can open my eyes
and I found myself living in a dark cell with awkward eyes looking toward me in an a n g r y glimpses
as if they are admonishes me for what I have done in the past where I mis coordinate my priorities
and my self. I was like a machine, work without heart and emotions only to achieve some ends that every one like to without assessing the ways I use to reach it.
I was scared at that moment , I felt coward without any intention to face the past and it’s troubles which
has conquested my heart and started to be a major part of my dim character that cannot even understand
the simple things. I tryed to push my strength hard to come close enough to these eyes and look
,inside them so I can observe the secrets inside it , I asked my self, what is the thing behind these looks
how can I understand it and why it has such anger and envey !!

when I get closer and closer I found it browsing my past with anger, it started to show the past scenes very fast, I could’nt focus , I felt a terrible headache then I knew that it was trying to take vengeance. suddently
waves started crushing , every thing surrounding me started to be wild , I could’nt find shelter so I just
simply stood up motionless. the eyes are changed now , the grim looks vanished and it started showing
my past in calm. the looks now become softer and the sharpness converted to melancholy, they started shedding tears with every scene , the eyes started moaning and wanted to hug me but what is the use
I felt gloomy , regretion and c r y i n g started to tear up my soul at this moment, I suffocated my self and
started punishing my ego as a Middle Ages jailer who punishes people to provide his
family with food.the darkness of my heart started to wear off with every blame and tear and during these horrible actions I fell down and took a deep sleep. when I woke up in the morning , the sun light was over the place , the eyes were disappeared and I felt as if I was born again. regretion took it’s way through
my heart and I finally found the key to redemption.

I keep asking my self , how many people should suffer through what happened to me

are they going to find the key earlier or they should first suffer like me