Game: Correct the word ~
أطيب الأماني و أرق التحيات مني اليكم

ما رايكم بهذه اللعبه لنجدد الالعاب

يقوم العضو بوضع كلمه فيها حرف خاطئ

على العضو التالي تصحيحها

دمتم بود
زيتية العينين
!..Hello Everyone
!?..Today I have bought you all a game that I hope you will enjoy
!..It is both informative & interesting
!..You will come in and write a word in the wrong spelling
.The person after will correct it and give another word
!..My word is: Conversacion
.Hope it helps and I want loads of replies
. please try hard not to repeat a word &

Game: Correct the word ~