The life carries meanings and we try to understand it as own experiment…some thing happy and some thing sad …but tou confront it with severity no tears and no smiles .
I miss you even you are with me …what avail from body without soul ?! you are always here with your body …just the body .
You fell that life takes every thing from you ; but you are wrong …it leaved your pure heart who can begin again and again .Iyearn for the alive guy regardless his mysterious personality which hiding in his depths …the person who deserve the hapiness although his weird contradictory choises and decisions .
We are your friends , let your friends begin your new white pages and let me being the lines which you write your fellings on it .
Stand up and keep pace with the life instead the fighting against it .
Ispare you the confidence…my confidence…d’ont lose it ; and remember I’ll be with you until the heal up , when nothing can hinder your way
أتمنى تعجبكم خاطرة الانجليزي تبعي لا تبخلوا بمروركم