بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمالدرس الأول
تركيب الجملة في اللغة الإنجليزية
الجملة في اللغة الإنجليزية كما هو معروف تتكون من ثلاث أشياء رئيسية :
Subject .. الفاعل
Verb .. الفعل
Object .. المفعول به
والكثير من الطلبة والطالبات يخطئن في هذا التركيب الذي لايتغير فهو قاعدة ثابتة
مثال على ذلك :
They study mathematics,,,,,,, هم يدرسون الرياضيات
They ……Subject
إذا إتبعنا الترتيب الصحيح
أولا Subject .. الفاعل
ثانيا Verb .. الفعل
ثالثا Object .. المفعول به
الكثيرون يخطؤون ويرتبوا الجملة حسب القواعد العربية
فيقولون مثلا:
Study they mathematics
إذا من الخطأ أن نبدأ بالفعل في اللغة الإنجليزية كما في العربي
فكل لغة لها قواعدها الخاصة بها ..
والجملة في اللغة الإنجليزية تحتم وضع الفاعل أولا ثم الفعل ثم المفعول به .
الدرس الثاني
الضمائر Pronounsفي البداية لابد أن نعرف ماهو الضمير (pronoun) ؟
الضمير في اللغة الإنجليزية ..( كلمة تحل محل أو تأتي بديل إما الإسم Noun
أو العبارة الإسمية Noun phrase )مثال
Nawal eats apple
نوال تأكل التفاحلو أردنا إستبدال إسم نوال بضمير الأنثى تصبح
She eats apple
هي تأكل التفاحوللضمائر في اللغة الإنجليزية تسعة أنواع سنشرحها شرحا وافيا
أولا : ضمائر إسم الإشارة Demostrative pronouns
وهي التي تستخدم فيها أدوات الإشارة
ويندرج تحت هذا النوع عدة ضمائروهي :(this/that/these/those/such)
That is incredible
I will never forget this
Such is my beliefثانيا : الضمائر الشخصية Personal pronouns
وهي التي تمثل أشخاص أو أشياء
وهي تنقسم قسمين :أولا : الضمائر الشخصية التي تحل محل الفاعل أو من فعل الفعل
أي الضمائر التي تسبق الفعل Subject personal pronouns
ويندرج تحتها الضمائر التالية
I, you ,he , she , it , we
I , he , she , it هذه تستخدم للمفرد
We تستخدم للجمع
You تستخدم في كلتا الحالتين مفرد وجمعأمثلة
She took the bus last night
He is aschool boy
We are Muslims
I stayed at home
You need another blanketثانيا : الضمائر الشخصية التي تحل محل المفعول به
أو هي التي تأتي بعد الفعل والفاعل Object personal pronouns
وهي نفس السابقة لكن محولة إلى ضيغة المفعول به لأنها تستخدم بداله
Me ,you , him , her ,it , usأمثلة
John took it
Umar gave me abook
We sent you a letter
He adores her.
I saw it with my own eyes
They have just invited us to their wedding
We went with himثالثا : الضمائر الملكية Possesive pronouns
وهي التي تفيد الملكية أو ملكية شيء معين لشخص أو ماإلى ذلك
ويندرج تحت هذا النوع الضمائر التالية:
Mine , yours ,his , hers , ours , yours , theirsأمثلة
This book is mine
This pencil case is yours
Mary is a relative of his
I’ve found hers
Ours need watering
Yours are bigger than mine
These are your notebooks and those are theirs
رابعا : الضمائر الإنعكاسية Reflexisive pronouns
وهي التي تشير إلى الفاعل وتنعكس عليه وتصاغ عن طريق
إضافة Self للمفرد أو selves للجمع إلى الضمائر التالية:
my, your, our, him, her, it, them
She made this skirt herself
The queen herself was among the demostrators
The mayor himself spoke for the abolition of the dealth penaltyخامسا: الضمائر الإستفهامية Interrogative pronouns
وهي الضمائر التي تستخدم في صيغة الأسئلة أو لفرض سؤال معين
وهي التي تبدأ ب Wh
وهذه الضمائر هي :
what, which, who, whom, and whoseأمثلة / Examples
What did you say؟
ماذا قلت ؟
Who said that?
من الذي قال ذلك ؟
Which do you prefer?
مالذي تفضله؟
وهكذا …سادسا : ضمائر النفي أو الضمائر المنفية Negative pronouns
وهي التي تستخدم لنفي العبارة أو الجملة الإسمية
وهذه الضمائر هي
no-one, nobody, neither, none and nothingأمثلة
لايوجد Nobody is here
She is neither a British nor American
هي ليست بريطانية ولاأمريكيةسابعا : الضمائر التبادلية Reciprocal pronouns
وهي التي تفيد وتشير إلى تبادل شيء معين بين شخصين
وهذه الضمائر هي :
each other / one another
مثال :
لو كتب عادل إلى أخته حنان رسالة وكذلك كتبت حنان رسالة إلى أخيها عادل نقول إذا
They write to each other / one another once a month
كلاهما صحيح ..ثامنا : ضمائر الوصل Relative pronouns
وهي التي تربط مجموعة من الكلمات بأسماء معينة أو ضمائر أخرى
وهي :
The student who studies hardest usually does the best
الطالبة التي تدرس جيدا هي التي تقدم الأفضل عادة
تاسعا وأخيرا : الضمائر الكمية Quantifier
وهي تفيد الكمية والمقدار
وهي :
some, any, something, much, many, little, few , a lotأمثلة
I have few litrary books
أنا أملك بعض كتب الأدب
They like orange so much
هم يحبون البرتقال كثيرا
التصنيف: الإنجليزية
HOW TO BE happy للتعلم السريع
Be optimistic. In the 1970s, researchers followed people who’d won the lottery and found that a year after they’d hit the jackpot, they were no happier than the people who didn’t. They called it hedonic adaptation, which suggests that we each have a baseline level of happiness. No matter what happens, good or bad, the effect on our happiness is only temporary and we tend to rebound to our baseline level. Some people have a higher baseline happiness level than others, and that can be attributed in part to genetics, but it’s also largely influenced by how you think.[1] So while the remainder of this article will help boost your happiness, only improving your attitude towards life will increase your happiness permanently. Here are some excellent starting points for doing that:
How to Be Optimistic
How to Be Laid Back
How to Live in the Moment
.Follow your gut. In one study, two groups of people were asked to pick out a poster to take home. One group was asked to analyze their decision carefully, weighing the pros and cons, and the other group was told to listen to their gut. Two weeks later, the group that followed their gut was happier with their posters than the group that analyzed their decisions.[2] Now, some of our decisions are more crucial than picking out posters, but by the time you’re poring over your choice, the options you’re weighing are probably very similar, and the difference will only temporarily affect your happiness. So next time you have a decision to make, and you’re down to two or three options, just pick the one that feels right, and go with it.How to Follow Your Intuition
How to Stop Hesitatin
.Make enough money to meet your basic needs: food, shelter, and clothing. In the US, that magic number is $40,000 a year. Any money you make beyond that will have negligible effects on your happiness. Remember the lottery winners mentioned earlier? Oodles of money didn’t make them any happier, and it won’t make you any happier. Once you make enough money to support your basic needs, your happiness is not significantly affected by how much money you make, but by your level of optimism.[3]Your comfort may increase with your salary, but comfort isn’t what makes people happy. It makes people bored. That’s why it’s important to push beyond your comfort zone to fuel your growth as a person.
Don’t assume you’re the exception, as in "Sure they didn’t use their lottery money wisely, but if I won it, I’m spend it differently, and it’d definitely make me happier." Part of the reason many people are unhappy is because they don’t think research-based advice about happiness applies to them, and they continue chasing more money and achievement and material goods in vain.[4].Stay close to friends and family. Or move to where other members are- so you can see them more. We live in a mobile society, where people follow jobs around the country and sometimes around the world. We do this because we think increases in salary will make us happier, but the fact is that our relationships with our friends and family have a far greater impact on our happiness than our jobs do. So next time you think about relocating, consider that you’d need a salary increase of over $100,000 USD to compensate for the loss of happiness you’d have from moving away from your friends and family.[5] But if your relationships with your family and friends are unhealthy or nonexistent, and you are bent on moving, choose a location where you’ll be making about the same amount of money as everyone else; according to research, people feel more financially secure (and happier) when they’re on similar financial footing as the people around them, regardless of what that footing is.[6]
.Find happiness in the job you have now. Many people expect the right job or the right career to dramatically change their level of happiness, but happiness research makes it clear that your level of optimism and the quality of your relationships eclipse the satisfaction you gain from your job.[7] If you have a positive outlook, you’ll make the best of any job, and if you have good relationships with people, you won’t depend on your job to give your life a greater sense of meaning. You’ll find it in your interactions with the people you care about. Now that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t aspire towards a job that’ll make you happier; it means you should understand that the capacity of your job to make you happy is quite small in comparison to your outlook on life and your relationships with people.
.Smile. Science suggests that when you smile, whether you feel happy or not, your mood will be elevated.[8] Moreover, studies show that happiness is contagious.[9] With this in mind, consider the implications for happiness that the very act of smiling at another in passing has on not only our psyche, but that of the larger good. More importantly, when we smile at another, it shouldn’t be with the expectation of having a smile in return. Sometimes the people we are smiling at who don’t return the gesture may be the ones who need the smile the most. Just the act of doing something positive — sharing a smile — might be enough to send our neurochemicals in the right direction, regardless of the response.
.Don’t take things to heart. Just because one person tells you something doesn’t mean it’s true. Even if it is try to be optimistic about it. Remember – just because one person is against you doesn’t mean the whole world is. Sometimes people don’t know what they are saying.
.Practice Acts of Kindness. When we treat others in ways we would wish to be treated, a certain type of synergy develops. The altruistic actions on our part plays dividends in fostering positive relations and forging an upbeat mental attitude. There is an unspoken return to acts of kindness, in which they can manifest in various forms, such as a returned gesture, a happier mental state, and/or improved circumstances for one’s life. It ties into the law of karma, which implies that the merit of actions or deeds come back to the individual who performs them. Given this, acts of kindness are a way to move our lives in a positive and more fulfilling direction.
.Exercise, exercise, exercise. For a boost to the immunity system and for an increase in overall wellbeing, exercise provides a healthy means for relieving stress and anxiety. Studies show that people who suffer from depression and other psychiatric conditions benefit greatly from engaging in physical exercise, and those without these conditions stand to benefit just as significantly. Rigorous physical activity can help defuse any stressful thoughts, returning the individual to a healthier equilibrium. Exercise also has the double benefit of making the individual more productive in day to day tasks, and as evidence of this, employees who exercise can generally carry more value in terms of productivity than those who don’t.
.Take a vitamin B supplement. For a simple suggestion for increasing one’s level of happiness, a vitamin B supplement can carry a huge health dividend in positively impacting the mood.
.Meditate. Meditation is a source of release from the pressures of cumulative, worrisome, and/or troublesome thoughts. Spending even as little as 5 minutes a day engaged in deep breathing exercises can help signiciatnly ease the pressures of the build-up of tension that happens to everyone on a daily basis. Meditation also provides the individual with a useful means to detach from negative thoughts, which prevents distressful thoughts from manifesting in the psyche.
.Practice forgiveness. There is a tendency for people who are experiencing distressful circumstances to pass blame onto others. Children, for instance, may commonly blame their parents for the life challenges that they are facing. However, when we practice forgiveness, with it comes a sense of relief from burdensome thoughts in addition to the ability to forge healthier relationships with others. When forgiveness becomes a conscientious practice, anger finds a resolution and true healing can commence. Anger is counterintuitive to happiness, and any incidence of it is best resolved through positive emotions – and forgiveness helps provide this necessary release.
.Love yourself. You are here on this planet for a reason. Your very presence is an act of beauty and a gift to humanity. Never undermine the good that you have given and that you stand to give. In saying and thinking positive things about one’s own inner value, tremendous feelings of joy can begin to manifest in even the most depressed mind. Remember that everyone has issues — everyone has something to contend with — and you too have obstacles and challenges. In loving yourself sincerely and humbly you can find a great deal of comfort and joy in knowing that no matter how badly the world may treat you or how badly you may feel about yourself at any given time that you are worthwhile and intrinsically good. Your presence here on Earth signifies your value and worthiness, and your interconnectedness with everything else on this planet signifies your importance in the grand web of life. So love yourself because your love is felt by all of those around you, and your love for yourself is just as important as anyone else’s, especially in times of distress and trouble
سبحان الله و بحمده
even if u lost me its ok
i know its hard but its ok
i will be with u every day
i will be your mam when u cry to tack the bain and let it die
i will be your sister to make you smile and share with u all the time
i will be your dad to make u safe in my eyes you play your games
i will be your frind when your in need to be your self and gust be free
i will be the air befor you die and be your water when your dry
i will be the sun in sky to be your map when your lost
like your mam when u crowl she takes you up befor you fall
i hope u like it :a:
سبحان الله و بحمده
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سبحان الله و بحمده
You Are Not Alone انجليزية
written by MEpeople always feel that they suffer alone ,they isolate them selves
.and give these thoughts the opportunity to conquest their minds
they usually do that after they got betrait , hurt by their l o v e r s, or even when they lose in a buisnesses
Every one should eleminate these thoughts to avoid killing hope in our souls also there are many others
.arround the globe who feel the same way and live the same situation
We share the same incidents because we are human , we some times
commit mistakes against others or hurt them without any feeling that we have done something wrong
because the only one who suffers is the person who recieves our abuses. put your self in the
position of the victim , think deeply using your brain not your heart
.so you you can avoid lot of incidents which will sometimes coast you even your life
Now I’m going to ask you some retorical questions
hoping that you will answer them using your brain not your heart
?? do you lie
?? do you hate any one
?? did any one betrait you
?? did you betrait any one
?? do you feel sad occationaly
?? do you feel you got ignored by others
?? did any one lied at you
if these questions are not applied to you , you are no longer a human
because they are universal and shared with every mankind , So when any one
lie at you
ignore you
underestimate you
and betray you
be cool and keep smiling 🙂
because you are not alone
سبحان الله و بحمده
lol aite first of all , u didnt read this from me ok?? lolStart asking her questions (don’t mistakenly do anything) about *****ng, cleaning, and laundry. Say, "I think it’s time I learn to take care of myself. You know, just in case."
Volunteer to cook for her. Make sure it’s real greasy. Use every pot and pan in the house and be sure you spill and/or drop some of everything everywhere.
While brushing your teeth, flick the toothbrush first at the sink and then at the mirror.
Never ask her to get you something from the kitchen when she’s in the kitchen. Let her spend a good 30 minutes in there and when she reaches the sofa with a sigh of relief say, "Will you PLEASE do me a big favor and get me a cola, my back is just killing me today.
Be sure to load up all your pockets with tissues before you drop them in the clothes hamper.
Leave yourself a trail of clothing, towels, dishes, and everything else you put your hands on. This will ensure you never lose your way.
Wait until she’s overwhelmed with work (Weekly Opportunity) lean in close and say, "Did you see how dusty the leaves on your house plants are?"
Put on a TV program and them pretend to keep falling asleep. Wake up each time she tries to change the channel and say, "Quit it, you know how much I looked forward to watching this. Don’t be so selfish."
Wait until she is totally engrossed in a movie then tell her something is bugging you and you really need to talk about it. Be sure it’s as stupid, boring, and long winded as you can make it.
Wait until she’s finally lost a few pounds on that diet. Start having uncontrollable urges for her favorite sin foods. (Most effective between 8-10 PM) When she repeatedly declines, stick it in her face anyway and say, "Oh, stop it! A little ________ isn’t going to hurt you." Continue until all weight is regained. Then ask, "Hey, you’ve been on that diet a long time now, how much have you lost?"
Keep calling her at work to find out what time she plans to get home and what she plans to make for dinner. Make sure your just not in the mood for whatever she’s making.
When the opportunity arises be sure to cut the grass in your brand new white sneakers.
When you retrieve your clothes from the closet leave the hanger in place and pull on the clothing until the hanger is mangled enough to allow the article to slip off.
Tell her something for the first time and act shocked that she didn’t know about it. Pout and exclaim, "And you have the nerve to say I never listen to YOU."
When you know she’s grocery shopping, disappear! Come home just in time to watch her carry the last bag in. Grab the receipt and say, "I’ll get the rest of it for you dear." Feign suprise when she says that’s it. End with, "This is all you got for how much?"
On the odd occasion you actually clean up a disgusting mess you made, use the best towels in the house.
As your stomach grows just wear your pants lower and flop it over the waistband.
Than brag that unlike your wife, you still wear the same size you did when you got married.
Wait until the night before you go on vacation and say, "Hon, you know the underwear and socks you packed for me? Well the elastic is shot and I need new ones."
Always leave the shower head at just the right angle to hit her in the face with that jet of cold water when she turns it on.
When doing filthy jobs around the house be sure to wear your good clothes.
Harass her into telling people a story and proceed to interrupt every other sentence with , No that’s not what..
Whenever something is ready to break make sure your wife is the next to use it. When it breaks, look at her and say, "What the hell did you do. I never had a problem with it."
Whenever the dog, cat, or the kids are being cute they’re yours. When they need something, they’re hers.
سبحان الله و بحمده
My love for you is real
Sometimes at night, when I look to the sky
I start thinking of you and then ask myself, whyWhy do I love you? I think and smile
because I know the list could run on for milesThe whisper of your voice, the warmth of your touch
so many little things that make me love you so muchThe way you support me, and help with my emotions
the way that you care and show such devotionThe way your eyes shine when you look at me
lost with you forever is where I want to beThe way that I feel when you’re by my side
a sense of completion and overflowing prideThe dreams that I dream, that all involve you
the possibilities I see and the things we can doHow you finish the puzzle that lies inside my heart
how that deep in my soul, you are the most important partI could go on for days, telling of what I feel
but all you really must know is my love for you is realو سلامتكم لووووووووول
P.C: This not my words by the way…… I read it somewhere else and liked it very much…Ihope you like it too
سبحان الله و بحمده
لعبة النذالة الانجليزية انجليزية
لعبة النذالة الانجليزية
لعبة في غاية الروعه وفيها كل الترفيه والتعليم بنفس الوقت وايضا التحكم في الاعضاء …
بس تبغى تفاعل,,,,,,
اللعبه هي,, انا اقوم بوصف شي معين ,,,,والي يخمن و يعرف الاجابه لهذا الشي الي وصفته يقدر يتحكم في عضو بأي قراره هو يتخذه ,.,,,
مثال على ذلك : الوصف الي حاب تجاوبوني عليه التالي:
Solide , Electronic , come with different colors , small , you can use it anywhere ,you must charge it every day ,every one use it ,
هذا الوصف بالانجليزي.,,
طبعا الاجابه : هو الموبايل الجوال mobile
الي يعطيني الاجابه الصحيحه يقدر يتحكم في احد الاعضاء الي يختارهم.,,,,
مثلا تقدر تختارني انا و تجبرني اغير صورتي الرمزية
او تقدر تجبرني اغير توقيعي واحط نكته بايخه ههههههه
او تقدر تخليني ما ادخل المنتدى لمدة يوم او يومين ههههههههه قمة النذالة
—انا دوري احط الوصف وانتم تقومون بتخمين الاجابة و تجاوبون,,, و اول واحد اجابته صحيحه يختار عضو معين (الا انا هههه ) ويامر عليه مثل ما يبي,,,,
ملاحظة: الوصف بالانجليزي(لانه هدف اللعبه الترفيه مع التعليم),,,والاجابة لازم تكون بالانجليزي…) وما فيه صعب كل شي سهل ,,,,جرب واحكم بنفسك,,,,,,
بسم الله نبدأ ,,الوصف لشي معين :
Thing , solid , very small , thin , you can put it in your pocket, you can use it in written examinations , very important for students and others.
what is this
ما هو هذا الشي؟؟
سبحان الله و بحمده
°Thoughts° للتعلم السريع
Thoughts have great power.
Thoughts are like seeds you plant in your mind.
The more you hold onto a particular thought,
the more power you invest in it.
Positive thoughts give us energy and strength.
Negative thoughts rob us of power
and make us feel tired and strained.We are by nature positive. Negativity is
the result of faulty thinking.
You can change if you want to
You can’t control other people, situation
or circumstances, but you can control what
is going on inside you. It takes time to change
and transform those old patterns of thinking.
Be patient with yourself.
!It starts with a thought….. Today