السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
كيف نتائجكم طلابنا
مبارك لكل ناجحين واللي قصر ان شاء الله الفصل الثاني يكون افضل
موضوعنا ان شاء الله يعين بمشيئة الله تعالى على تحقيق النجاح وتخطي معوقاته
معوقات النجاح
" نحن المسئولين عن اختيار النجاح أو الفشل "فأنت من يقرر النجاح أو الفشل ، لا المعلم ولا الظروف ولا … أنت وحدك المسؤول
فالفشل هو قوة هدامة فقط عندما تقبلها كفشل ولا نفعل شيئا حيالها ولكن عندما
نتعلم منها دروسا لتصحيح مسارنا فهي منحة لا محنة .وتذكر دوما . . .
إن الظروف ليست هي التي تمنحنا النجاح أو تسلبنا إياه وإنمـا
كيفية استجابتنا لهذه الظروف هي التي تقرر مصيرنا : النجاح أو الفشل .س/ ما هي معوقات النجاح ؟
جـ/ 1- التأجيل : التاريخ مملوء بضحايا التأجيل إلى الغد من الذين طالما رسمــوا لأنفسهم خططا ،
ولم ينفذوها وعزموا على أمور ولم يتمموها .فالتأجيل إلى الغـد إنما هو ملجأ الكسالى والعاجزين ، ومن عواقبه المشئومة :
تأخر ( يوليوس قيصر) عن قراءة رسالة وردت إليه ، كلفته حياته ، حيث كانت تخبره
بمؤامرة قتله فـي مجلس الأعيان الروماني ، فلم يقرأها وأجلها فكانت النتيجة ===>> قـتلــه .* فإذا قام المعلم بتحديد موعد لامتحان ، وأخبرك بالموعد قبله بأيام فاستعد لـه
ولا تنتظر اليوم السابق ليوم الامتحان ، بل قم بمذاكرة المادة تدريجيا ، واجعل اليوم
الذي يسبق يوم الامتحان للمراجعة فقط وقس على هذا المثال ما شئت .
وتذكر دوما : ( لا تؤجل عمل اليوم إلى الغد ) .الإرهاق : وهو مرض الفاشلين ، فالشخص الذي ليس لديه خطط للوصول إلى
أي مكان ، إلى هدف يصبو إليه ، ستجد لديه قائمة مليئة بالأعذار التي توضـح
لماذا لم ينجح ؟ ولو درست حياة الناجحين ستكتشف ما يلي : أن الأعذار التــي
وضعها الأشخاص الفاشلين ، لم يضعها الأشخاص الناجحين فلم نجد شخصا ناجحا
في أي قطاع من قطاعات الحياة وجد عذرا يختبئ خلفه فـسماحة الشيخ العلامــة
عبد العزيز بن باز – رحمه الله – كان بإمكانه أن يختبئ خلف عذره وهو العمى فلا
يتم دراسته بل على العكس تفوق في دراسته وأصبح من أعظم علماء الإسلام .
ويصبح الإرهاق أسوأ إذا لم يعالج بشكل تام … فإذا اختار المريض أو ضحيــة
الفشل عذرا جيدا يتمسك به وينتقل بعد ذلك لشرح العذر لنفسه ولغيره ، وكلما شرح
الضحية العذر وأعاده وكرره في نفسه وأمام الملأ فإنه يترسخ أعمق وأعمق في
نفسه وفي عقله الباطن .فدوما : فكر بالنجاح ولا تفكر في وضع الأعذار .
3- الأعذار الصحية : إن العذر الصحي يستخدمه الإنسان بجدارة وفعالية ، ليفعل مـا
يريد فعله ، ولفشله في تحمل مسئولياته تجاه نفسه .
* وأفضل تطعيم ضد الأعراض الصحية :
– الوصفة الأولى : ارفض الحديث حول صحتك ، فكلما اشتكيت إلى الآخرين كلمـــا
شعرت أن مرضك أصبح أكثر سوءا ، وكذلك فإن تكرار الشكوى حول مرضـك
يجعل الآخرين يصابون بالملل ، ويظهرك كشخص مركزي الاهتمام وأناني .
– الوصفة الثانية : كن ممتنا لله – سبحانه وتعالى – على الصحة التي منحك إياهــا .
– الوصفة الثالثة : ذكر نفسك أن الحياة ممتعة وجديرة بأن نعيشها ، فلا تضيعهـا
في التفكير المستمر حول صحتك ، وكف عن القلق الشديد لأنه مرض بحد ذاته .
– الوصفة الرابعة : تذكر جميع الشخصيات العظيمة التي قدمت للبشرية الكثيرة من
الإنجازات .4- الأعذار العقلية : معظمنا يرتكب خطأين أساسيين بالنسبة للذكاء :
الأول : أن نقلل من تقدير قوة عقولنا .
الثاني : أن نبالغ في تقدير قوة عقول الآخرين .
تذكــــر !
ليس المهم مقدار الذكاء الذي تمتلكه ، ولكن الأكثر أهمية هو كيفية
استخدام ذكائك ، وكيفية تنمية قدراتك ، فالأفكار التي تقود ذكاءك أهم بكثير
من مقدار الذكاء لديك .
* وإليك هذه الطرق الثلاثة لعلاج الأعذار العقلية :
1- لا تغمط في تقدير ذكاءك الشخصي ، ولا تبالغ في تقدير ذكاء الآخرين .
2- تذكر أن القدرة على التفكير لها قيمة أكبر من القدرة على حفظ المعلومـــات
والحقائق ، فاستخدم عقلك لخلق وتطوير الأفكار لإيجاد طرق ووسائل لفــــعــــل
الأشياء بصورة أفضل وأسرع .وأخيرا : فإن النجاح والفشل هما في الأساس حالة ذهنية
تمنياتي لكم بالمستقبل الزاهر
وبالعلم النافع والمفيد المكلل بالنجاح دائما
التصنيف: العلم
lets LOVE our Bodies انجليزية
This is the body that you have got; this is the body that God has given to you. Use it… enjoy it! And if you start loving it, you will find it is changing, because if a person loves his body he starts taking care, and care implies everything…. Then you don’t stuff it with unnecessary food, because you care. Then you don’t starve it, because you care. You listen to its demands, you listen to its hints — what it wants, when it wants.
When you care, when you love, you become attuned to the body, and the body automatically becomes okay. If you don’t like the body, that will create the problem, Mm? because then by and by you will become indifferent to the body, negligent of the body, because who cares about the enemy? You will not look at it; you will avoid it. You will stop listening to its messages, and then you will hate it more.
And you are creating the whole problem. The body never creates any problem; it is the mind that creates problems. Now, this is an idea of the mind. No animal suffers from any idea about the body, no animal… not even the hippopotamus! Nobody suffers — they are perfectly happy because no mind is there to create an idea; otherwise the hippopotamus will think ‘Why am I like this?’ There is no problem in it.
Just drop the ideal. Love your body — this is your body, this is a gift from God. You have to enjoy it and you have to take care of it. When you take care, you exercise, you eat, you sleep. You take every care because this is your instrument, just like your car that you clean, that you listen to, to every hum — to know whether something is going wrong — mm? You take care even if a scratch comes on the body. Just take care of the body and it will be perfectly beautiful — it is! It is such a beautiful mechanism, and so complex, and yet working so efficiently that for seventy years it goes on functioning. Whether you are asleep or awake, aware or unaware, it goes on functioning, and the functioning is so silent. Even without your caring it goes on functioning; it goes on doing service to you. One should be grateful to the body.
Just change your attitude and you will see that within six months your body has changed its form. It is almost like when you fall in love with a woman and you see: she immediately becomes beautiful. She may not have cared about her body up to this moment but when a man falls in love with her, she starts taking care. She stands before the mirror for hours… because somebody loves her!
The same happens: you love your body and you will see that your body has started changing. It is loved, it is taken care of, it is needed. It is a very delicate mechanism — people use it very crudely, violently. Just change your attitude and see!
سبحان الله و بحمده
I Am Not Yours تعلم انجليزي
i read this poem and i like it so i want to share it with you ^^
I Am Not Yoursby Sara Teasdale
I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.
You l o v e me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.
Oh plunge me deep in l o v e — put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your l o v e,
A taper in a rushing wind..
Sara Teasdale
Sara Trevor Teasdale was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1884, into an old, established, and devout family. She was homeschooled until she was nine and traveled frequently to Chicago, where she became part of the circle surrounding Poetry magazine and Harriet Monroe. Teasdale published Sonnets to Duse, and Other Poems, her first volume of verse, in 1907. Her second collection, Helen of Troy, and Other Poems, followed in 1911, and her third, Rivers to the Sea, in 1915.
In 1914 Teasdale married Ernst Filsinger; she had previously rejected a number of other suitors, including Vachel Lindsay. She moved with her new husband to New York City in 1916. In 1918, she won the Columbia University Poetry Society Prize (which became the Pulitzer Prize for poetry) and the Poetry Society of America Prize for Love Songs, which had appeared in 1917. She published three more volumes of poetry during her lifetime: Flame and Shadow (1920), Dark of the Moon (1926), and Stars To-night (1930). Teasdale’s work had always been characterized by its simplicity and clarity, her use of classical forms, and her passionate and romantic subject matter. These later books trace her growing finesse and poetic subtlety. She divorced in 1929 and lived the rest of her life as a semi-invalid. Weakened after a difficult bout with pneumonia, Teasdale committed suicide in 1933 with an overdose of barbiturates. Her final collection, Strange Victory appeared posthumously that same year..
Sara Teasdale’s “I Am Not Yours” features three stanzas, each with the rime scheme ABCB. Its theme is deep, abiding l o v e. The speaker exaggerates her desire to become one with her bel o v ed.
First Quatrain: “I am not yours, not lost in you”
The speaker addresses her bel o v ed in an unusual way by saying that she does not belong to him, and she is not lost in him. Lovers often exaggerate in art forms the degree to which they are part of their bel o v ed, but she offers an original approach.But that claim soon reverses itself when she asserts that although she is “not lost in [him],” she certainly wants to be. She then compares the state of being that she craves to “a candle lit at noon.” The light of a candle at noon would blend so equally with the natural sun light that it would hardly be visible.
She adds that she wishes for blending with her bel o v ed as “a snowflake in the sea.” Of course, a snowflake in the sea would melt immediately, becoming one with the water. Despite the opening negative remark, the speaker has turned her claim around and even made it more intense than it would have been had she not begun by with the assertion, “I am not yours.”
Second Stanza: “You l o v e me, and I find you still”
The second stanza affirms that the target of her affection returns her l o v e, but her desire is for complete self-annihilation in her bel o v ed, and even though he l o v es her, she is still an individual; she says, “I am I.” But as she has already demonstrated in the opening stanza, she wishes to be so consumed by her bel o v ed that she desires to be “lost [in him] as light is lost in light.”
Third Stanza: “Oh plunge me deep in l o v e—put out”
In the final stanza, the speaker is pleading for the realization of her desire to become totally merged with her bel o v ed. She begs, “Oh plunge me deep in l o v e.” She wishes to sink down into this affection so completely that she no longer needs the ability to see or hear. She thus asks that her “senses” be “swept by the tempest of your l o v e.”
I hope you like it..
سبحان الله و بحمده
– Love and Time –Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,
"Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered, "No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!"
"I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you."
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder,
Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love isالحب والوقت
في قديم الزمان كان هناك جزيرة حيث كل المشاعرعاشت :السعادة والحزن والمعرفة وكل الآخرين ومن ضمنهم الحب ,في اليوم الذي اعلن بان الجزيرة ستغرق, وكل القوارب المشيدة غادرت,ما عدا الحب.
الحب كان هو الوحيد الذي بقى .الحب اراد الصمود حتى اللحظة المحتملة الاخيرة.
عندما غرقت الجزيرة تقريبا , الحب قرر السؤال عن المساعدة .مر الغني من امام الحب من مركب كبير ,قال الحب : هل بالامكان ان تأخذني معك ؟ اجابه الغني : " لا , انا لا استطيع , هناك الكثير من الذهب والفضه في مركبي , ليس هناك مكان لك".
قرر الحب سؤال الغرور الذي يمر ايضا في سفينة جميله : الغرور, ارجوك ساعدني ؟ اجاب الغرور : " انا لا استطيع مساعدتك انت مبتل تماما وقد تتلف مركبي " .
الحزن كان قريبا من الحب لذا سأله الحب : " الحزن دعني اذهب معك " اجابه الحزن: اوه … الحب انا حزين جدا بحيث من الضروري ان اكون لوحدي .
مرت السعاده بالحب ايضا لكنها كانت سعيدة جدا بحيث لم تسمع الحب عندما كان يناديها .
فجأة كان هناك صوت " تعال الحب انا سأخذك " هو كان شيخا كبيرا متواضعا, حتى الحب نسى ان يسأل الشيخ اين هم سيذهبون ؟
وعندما وصلو الى اليابسه سار الشيخ في طريقه الخاص . وادرك كم كان يدين للشيخ.
سأل الحب المعرفة (شيخ اخر) : " من ساعدني ؟ "
اجابة المعرفة : " هو كان الوقت " .
الوقت ! يسأل الحب " لكن لماذا الوقت ساعدني؟ "
ابتسمت المعرفة بالحكمة العميقه وأجابة : " لأن الوقت هو الوحيد القادر على فهم – كم الحب ثمين " .………………………………………….. …………………………………………
سبحان الله و بحمده
شرح درس الفقر والدول الفقيرة للطلبة
معلومات عن النبي محمد للطلبة
النبي الأمي العربي، من بني هاشم، ولد في مكة بعد وفاة أبيه عبد الله بأشهر قليلة، توفيت أمه آمنة وهو لا يزال طفلا، كفله جده عبد المطلب ثم عمه أبو طالب، ورعى الغنم لزمن، تزوج من السيدة خديجة بنت خويلد وهو في الخامسة والعشرين من عمره، دعا الناس إلى الإسلام أي إلى الإيمان بالله الواحد ورسوله، بدأ دعوته في مكة فاضطهده أهلها فهاجر إلى المدينة حيث اجتمع حوله عدد من الأنصار عام 622 م فأصبحت هذه السنة بدء التاريخ الهجري، توفي بعد أن حج حجة الوداع.
بهذا النبي الكريم ختم الله سبحانه وتعالى سلسلة هداة البشرية من الأنبياء.
سبحان الله و بحمده
Here’s How:
1.Remember that learning a language is a gradual process – it does not happen overnight. 2.Define your learning objectives early: What do you want to learn and why? 3.Make learning a habit. Try to learn something every day. It is much better to study (or read, or listen to English news, etc.) 10 minutes each day than to study for 2 hours once a week. 4.Remember to make learning a habit! If you study each day for 10 minutes English will be constantly in your head. If you study once a week, English will not be as present in your mind. 5.Choose your materials well. You will need reading, grammar, writing, speaking and listening materials 6.Vary your learning routine. It is best to do different things each day to help keep the various relationships between each area active. In other words, don’t just study grammar. 7.Find friends to study and speak with. Learning English together can be very encouraging. 8.Choose listening and reading materials that relate to what you are interested in. Being interested in the subject will make learning more enjoyable – thus more effective. 9.Relate grammar to practical usage. Grammar by itself does not help you USE the language. You should practice what you are learning by employing it actively. 10.Move your mouth! Understanding something doesn’t mean the muscles of your mouth can produce the sounds. Practice speaking what you are learning aloud. It may seem strange, but it is very effective. 11.Be patient with yourself. Remember learning is a process – speaking a language well takes time. It is not a computer that is either on or off! 12.Communicate! There is nothing like communicating in English and being successful. Grammar exercises are good – having your friend on the other side of the world understand your email is fantastic! 13.Use the Internet. The Internet is the most exciting, unlimited English resource that anyone could imagine and it is right at your finger tips.
1.Remember that English learning is a Process 2.Be patient with yourself. 3.Practice, practice, practice