
مقال شخصي عن الصداقة

مقال شخصي عن الصداقة
لو سمحتو اي احد اختبر
يكتب لي تعبير بس مابيه منقول
ابغييه بكرره تكفون

عن اي شي حتى لو عن الصداقه
المعلمه ماحددت

سبحان الله و بحمده

الطلاب والطالبات

هل من مسساعد يـآ أخخي تعبت والله تعبت>>خخخخخ الصف المتوسط



الزبدهـ ممكن أششوية مسساعدهـ

أبـي صـوؤرهـ للجهـآز الهضمي



وغدد لبنيه





امعاء دقيقه

حويصله صفراء

امعاء غليظه

كستقيم فتحة شرج

بليـــــــز أبيهـآآ اليؤوؤم

وأبـي صوؤرهـ كمـآن فيهـآ

غدد لعابيه


قنوات لعابيه

غدد لعابيه

الله يوفقكم بلـيـز ويدخخلكم الجنهـ ويحقق أمنيـآآتكم

بسسسسسسسسرعهـ الليلهـ أبيهـ اللحححححححححححححححححححححححححححححييييييييييييييييييييييييييييين

بقوؤوؤوؤم أبكككي

سبحان الله و بحمده


هديتي لكم ( خاصة المبتدئين ) فلاش رائع Irregular Verb Flashcards انجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذا الفلاش مستويات ، ويساعد على فهم وحفظ تصريف الافعال بالتدرج .

وفق الله الجميع …

سبحان الله و بحمده


" Write a sentence that starts with the last letter of the previous one "

! Hey , y’all
I’m really thankful to Rou7-Moushrika because if it weren’t for her , I wouldn’t come up with an idea for this thread

However , I’m going to add some modifications in the way this thread should be dealt with

You used to write a single word that starts with the last letter of the previous one
and now , you’re gonna need to write a whole sentence that starts with the last letter of the previous one

Skip the letter " X " if you want , because technically , you can’t start a word / a sentence with it

Bear in mind that a proper English sentence contains a Subject + Verb + Object
So , try your best not to mess with this order

I’ll be around to correct your mistakes . But you have to try to learn from these mistakes , so you won’t make them again

I’ll be the first to post my sentence

John broke my precious Chinese vase , this morning

سبحان الله و بحمده


Want to Stay Warm in the Winter? Think COLD

Winter in many places means ice
skating, sledding and snowball fights. But unless someone is prepared, outdoor fun can also mean frostbite and hypothermia. Today we talk about how to stay warm, dry and safe.

Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long. It mainly happens on the hands, feet, nose and ears.

People with minor cases of frostbite that affect only the skin may not suffer any permanent damage. But if deeper tissue is affected, a person is likely to feel pain every time the area gets cold.

If blood vessels are damaged, people can suffer an infection, gangrene. Sometimes, doctors have to remove frostbitten areas like fingers and toes.

Hypothermia happens when the body cannot produce as much heat as it loses. The condition comes on slowly. Signs include uncontrollable shaking, unusually slow breathing and difficulty thinking clearly. If not treated, hypothermia can be deadly.

The best way to avoid cold-related injuries is to be prepared for the outdoors. Here is a simple way to remember four basic steps to staying warm. Think of COLD — C.O.L.D.

The C stands for cover. Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head, neck and ears. And wear mittens instead of gloves. Gloves may not keep hands as warm because they separate the fingers.

The O stands for overexertion. Avoid activities that will make you sweaty. Wet clothes and cold weather are a bad mix.

L is for layers. Wearing loose, lightweight clothes, one layer on top of another, is better than a single heavy layer of clothing. Also, make sure outerwear is made of water resistant and tightly knit material.

Can you guess what the D in COLD stands for? D is for dry. In other words, stay as dry as possible. Pay attention to the places where snow can enter, like the tops of boots, the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens.

..Happy winter every body..

سبحان الله و بحمده


بين العقل والعلم للطلاب

أنا قرأت هذه الأبيات في أحد الأيام و عجبتني و أردت أن أشارك بها في المنتدى لكي أشرككم فيها
وتعم الفائدة لأنها رغم بساطتها فهي فيها معنى كبير
أرجو أن تعجبكم

علم العليم وعقل العاقل اختلفا

من ذا الذي فيهما قد أحرز الشرفا

فالعلم قال : أنا أحرزته غايته

والعقل قال : أنا الرحمن بي عرفا

فأفصح العلم إفصاحا وقال له

بأينا الله في قرآنه اتصفا ؟

فأيقن العقل أن العلم سيده

فقبل رأس العلم و انصرفا

أنتظر ردودكم لا تنسوني

سبحان الله و بحمده


حروف الجر ومعانيها تعليم

بدي منكم اليوم ضروري …..حروف الجر ومعانيها ….

سبحان الله و بحمده

الطلاب والطالبات

موعد التسجيل في جامعه الملك سعود

مساء الفل
سؤال لو سمحتوا متي يبدء التسجيل في جامعه الملك سعود اللي في البديعه
ارجوكم ردوا لو سمحتوا انا انتظر ردكم

سبحان الله و بحمده


List of FEELIN words

Pleasant Feelings
understanding great playful calm
confident gay courageous peaceful
reliable joyous energetic at ease
easy lucky liberated comfortable
amazed fortunate optimistic pleased
free delighted provocative encouraged
sympathetic overjoyed impulsive clever
interested gleeful free surprised
satisfied thankful frisky content
receptive important animated quiet
accepting festive spirited certain
kind ecstatic thrilled relaxed
satisfied wonderful serene
glad free and easy
cheerful bright
sunny blessed
merry reassured

loving concerned eager impulsive
considerate affected keen free
affectionate fascinated earnest sure
sensitive intrigued intent certain
tender absorbed anxious rebellious
devoted inquisitive inspired unique
attracted nosy determined dynamic
passionate snoopy excited tenacious
admiration engrossed enthusiastic hardy
warm curious bold secure
touched brave
sympathy daring
close challenged
loved optimistic
comforted re-enforced
drawn toward confident

Difficult/Unpleasant Feelings
irritated lousy upset incapable
enraged disappointed doubtful alone
hostile discouraged uncertain paralyzed
insulting ashamed indecisive fatigued
sore powerless perplexed useless
annoyed diminished embarrassed inferior
upset guilty hesitant vulnerable
hateful dissatisfied shy empty
unpleasant miserable stupefied forced
offensive detestable disillusioned hesitant
bitter repugnant unbelieving despair
aggressive despicable skeptical frustrated
resentful disgusting distrustful distressed
inflamed abominable misgiving woeful
provoked terrible lost pathetic
incensed in despair unsure tragic
infuriated sulky uneasy in a stew
cross bad pessimistic dominated
worked up a sense of loss tense

insensitive fearful crushed tearful
dull terrified tormented sorrowful
nonchalant suspicious deprived pained
neutral anxious pained grief
reserved alarmed tortured anguish
weary panic dejected desolate
bored nervous rejected desperate
preoccupied scared injured pessimistic
cold worried offended unhappy
disinterested frightened afflicted lonely
lifeless timid aching grieved
shaky victimized mournful
restless heartbroken dismayed
doubtful agonized
threatened appalled
cowardly humiliated
quaking wronged
menaced alienated

سبحان الله و بحمده


مواقع ترجمة لتعلم الانجليزية


جبت لكم مواقع للترجمة بالكلمات

وموقع اخر للنص (درس طويل)

مواقع ترجمة مهمة ……..


سبحان الله و بحمده