
Jokes For You للدراسة

Q. What do you get when you put a fish and an elephant together?

A. Swimming trunks.


Q. What goes up when the rain comes down?

A. An umbrella.


Q. What disappears when you stand up?

A. Your lap.


Q. What did the big firecracker say to the little firecracker?

A. My pop is bigger than yours.


Q. What did the big chimney say to the small chimney?

A. You are too little to smoke.


Q. What do you call a surgeon with eight arms?

A. A doctopus!


Q. Why did the teacher jump into the lake?

A. Because she wanted to test the waters!


Q. Why did the belt go to jail?

A. Because it held up a pair of pants!


Q. What is the center of gravity?

A. The letter V!


Q. What did the stamp say to the envelope?

A. Stick with me and we will go places!


Q. What sort of star is dangerous?

A. A shooting star!


Q. Why did the teacher write the lesson on the windows?

A. He wanted the lesson to be very clear!


Q. What kind of lights did Noah use on the Ark?

A. Flood lights!


Q. What do computers do when they get hungry?

A. They eat chips!


Q. Why don’t you see giraffes in elementary school?

A. Because they’re all in High School!


Q. Which is the longest word in the dictionary?

A. "Smiles", because there is a mile between each "s"!


Q. Which month do soldiers hate most?

A. The month of March!


Q. What did the painter say to the wall?

A. One more crack like that and I’ll plaster you!


Q. Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants?

A. In case they get a hole in one!


Q. What did the the tie say to the hat?

A. You go on a head, I’ll just hang around!

سبحان الله و بحمده


How very special YOU are

Your presence is a gift to the world,
You’re unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be…
Take it one day at a time.
Count your blessings, not your troubles,
And you’ll make it through what comes along.
Within you are so many answers,
Understand, have courage, be strong.
Don’t put limits on yourself,
Your dreams are waiting to be realized.
Don’t leave your important decisions to chance…
Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize.
Nothing wastes more energy than worrying…
The longer a problem is carried, the heavier it gets.
Don’t take things too seriously…
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
Remember that a little love goes a long way…
Remember that a lot goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment,
Life’s treasures are people…together.
Have health and hope and happiness,
And don’t ever forget for even a day…
How very special YOU are!
From E-Mail


سبحان الله و بحمده


موقع رائع لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية للدراسة

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

هذا الموضوع الاول لي بهذا المنتدى الرائع منتدىاللغة الانجليزية
بدون مقدمات أقدم لكم موقع لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية
و أتمنى أن ينال إعجابكم.



سبحان الله و بحمده


when you feeling sad للتعلم السريع

when you feeling sad do not forget that there is allah,,,,also,remmber that this life is continue,,,,,and you must know how can you deal with your problem,,,,,always remmber that ………………….think of beauty is joy for ever

سبحان الله و بحمده


i love him… do u لتعلم الانجليزية


Funny, isn’t it?

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world’s going to hell.

Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the God says.

Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to believe, thinks, say, or does anything the God says. (Or is it scary?)

Funny how someone can say "I believe in God" but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also "believes" in God).

Funny how you can send a thousand ‘jokes’ through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.

Funny how when you go to forward this few lines, you will not share it to with many of your friends because you’re not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.

Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what God thinks of me. (Are you thinking?)

If u mean it, then say it lowed

Yes, I do Love God

سبحان الله و بحمده


عبارات باللغة الانجليزية 22 تعلم انجليزي

It’s better to regret the thing we do, than the thing we don’t do
الأفضل والاروع ان تفخر وتسعد بشيء انت قد قمت بعمله .. وليس شيئا لم تفعله ..

I cried over you for so long that blinded myself .. Alass!! could you be back ?!guess not
لقد بكيت عليك طويلا بسبب بعدك وذهابك حتى ارهقت نفسي بالبكاء .. واحسرتاه هل عدت ؟ .. بالتاكيد لا ..

Good friends Are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget
الاصدقاء الجيدون من الصعب ان تجدهم ومن الصعب ان تتركهم ومن المستحيل ان تنساهم ..

Don’t let he past hold you back, you’re missing the good stuff
لا تعود الى لحظات الماضي لانك سوف تخسر اجمل لحظات سعادتك ..

عبارات باللغة الانجليزية 22

سبحان الله و بحمده


تعريف الحب وقصة واقعيه للتعلم السريع

تعريف الحب: Definition of love

تعريف الحب

هذه قصة واقعية تذكرها إحدى الممرضات, والتي تعمل في أحد المستشفيات الأمريكية!!! اترككم مع القصة الجميلة

My Dad had a massive stroke almost four years ago and I almost lost him. I used to go to see him in the nursing home everyday, sometimes twice and three times a day

قبل أربعة سنوات , أصيب أبي بأزمة قلبية قوية وكدت افقده تقريبا. كنت أذهب لرؤيته في كل في يوم دار الرعاية الطبية (مخصص للمسنين)، وأحيانا مرتين وثلاث مرات في اليوم.

The nursing home where he resides told me that a couple of days a week now is fine. So now I go about two or three and sometimes four days a week to see him

واخبروني هناك ,حيث يرقد, بأن لا بأس بزيارته يومين الأسبوع من الآن فصاعدا. و لذا فأنا الآن أذهب مرتين وثلاثة وأحيانا أربعة مرات في الأسبوع لرؤيته.

Most of the times I go there he either doesn’t know I’m there, or he knows I’m there, but doesn’t remember who I am. That’s really OK with me. This is probably one of the better de******ions of "love" and why I still go to see my Dad so often

في اغلب الأحيان التي أذهب فيها إلى هناك ,أجده لا يعرف بأنني بجانبه، أو هو يعرف أنني بجانبه ولكن لا يتذكر من أكون. لا بأس بذلك. لعل ذلك هو أحد أفضل أوصاف ال"حب" ,ذلك الذي يجعلني ما أزال أذهب لرؤية أبي في أغلب الأحيان

It was a busy morning, approx. 8:30 A.M. when an elderly gentleman, in his 80’s, arrived to have sutures removed from his thumb

وفي صبيحة يوم كثير المشاغل,في المستشفى الذي أعمل فيه، وتقريبا عند الساعة 8:30 صباحا وصل رجل محترم مسن، في العقد الثامن من العمر، ليزيل خياطات من إبهامه المجروح

He stated that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 A.M.1

أخبرهم بأنه على عجلة من أمره لأنه على موعد في الساعة 9:00 صباحا

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see him

قمت بقياس إشاراته الحيوية ثم أجلسته على كرسي، وأنا اعلم بأنه سينتظر أكثر من ساعة قبل أن يراه أي طبيب (لكثرة المشاغل)

While taking care of his wound, we began to engage in conversation. I asked him if he had a doctor’s appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry

وبينما كنت أعالج جرحه، شرعنا بالدخول في حديث جانبي. سألته إذا كان لديه موعد مع الطبيب هذا الصباح، كونه في مثل هذه العجلة من أمره

The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife

أجابني الرجل المحترم بالنفي، وقال بأنه يريد الذهاب إلى دار الرعاية الطبية (للمسنين) لتناول الفطور مع زوجته هناك

I then inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer Disease

ثم استفسرت عن صحتها. فأخبرني بأنها كانت هناك لفترة وبأنها كانت ضحية مرض النسيان (الزهايمر)

As we talked, and I finished dressing his wound, I asked if she would be worried if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now

بينما كنا نتحدث، وعندما أنهيت ضمادة جرحه، سألته عما إن كانت زوجته ستقلق لو تأخر قليلا عليها. أجابني بأنها لم تعد تعرف من هو (بسبب المرض) ، فهي لا تعرفه منذ خمس سنوات

I was surprised and asked him, "And you are still going every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?" He smiled as he patted my hand and said, "She doesn’t know me, but I still know who she is."1

اندهشت وسألته، "وأنت ما زلت تذهب كل صباح، حتى بالرغم من أنها لا تعرف من أنت؟ "ابتسم وهو يربت على يدي وقال، "هي لا تعرفني، لكني ما زلت أعرف من هي"

I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arms, and thought, "That is the kind of love I want in my life."1
كان علي أن أحبس الدموع وهو يخرج، كانت يداي ترتعشان، وقلت في نفسي، "ذلك هو الحب الذي أريد في حياتي."

True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be……1

الحب الحقيقي لا يقاس جسمانيا، ولا عاطفيا. الحب الحقيقي هو قبول الآخر بكل ما هو عليه الآن، وما كان عليه في الماضي ، وما سيكون عليه مستقبلا.

سبحان الله و بحمده


Types of Women

Types of Women


She remembers everything, FOREVER.

RAM Woman:

She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off.


Everyone knows that she can’t do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

EXCEL Woman:

They say she can do a lot of things but you mostly use her for your four basic needs.


She is good for nothing but at least she is fun!


Difficult to access.


Always busy when you need her.


She makes horrible things look beautiful.

CD-ROM Woman:

She is always faster and faster.

E-MAIL Woman:

Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense.


سبحان الله و بحمده


Jesse McCartney-just so you know لتعلم الانجليزية

! Hello everyone

I hope U R all fine

This is one of my most favourite songs EVER

..I really like it

! No I don’t like it…I love it

The name of the song : Just so You know

The name of the singer : Jesse McCartney

(By the way..I’m crazy about him too ! LOL(

Jesse McCartney-just so you know

Jesse McCartney-just so you know

: And these R the words of the song

I shouldn’t love you but I want to

I just can’t turn away

I shouldn’t see you but I can’t move

I can’t look away

I shouldn’t love you but I want to

I just can’t turn away

I shouldn’t see you but I can’t move

I can’t look away

And I don’t know how to be fine when I’m not

‘Cause I don’t know how to make a feeling stop


Just so you know

This feeling’s taking control of me

And I can’t help it

I won’t sit around, I can’t let him win now

Thought you should know

I’ve tried my best to let go of you

But I don’t want to

I just gotta say it al
Before I go

Just so you know

It’s getting hard to be around you

There’s so much I can’t say

Do you want me to hide the feelings

And look the other way

And I don’t know how to be fine when I’m not

‘Cause I don’t know how to make a feeling stop


This emptiness is killing me

And I’m wondering why I’ve waited so long

Looking back I realized

It was always there just never spoken

I’m waiting here…been waiting here


I hope U liked it

!Just like me..


سبحان الله و بحمده


المواضيع المكرره لقسم اللغة الانجليزية

تحيه طيبه ملئها المحبه و الوفاء:

المواضيع المكرره لقسم اللغة الانجليزية

أعزائي دعونا نكون كالخلية النحل بصدق جهدها
و حرصها على تنفيذ مهمتها
ان وجد رد مخالف او موضوع مكرر
يمكنك أو يمكنك وضع الرابط القديم و الرابط الجديد
وستقوم المشرفه بالإجراء الازم
دمتم كالنحلهالمواضيع المكرره لقسم اللغة الانجليزية لا تأكل الا طيبا و لا تعطي الا طيبا
زيتية العينين

المواضيع المكرره لقسم اللغة الانجليزية

أحبكم بالله

المواضيع المكرره لقسم اللغة الانجليزية

سبحان الله و بحمده