بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الاخوات والاخوة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهخرجت إمرأه من منزلها فرأت ثلاثة شيوخ لهم لحى بيضاء طويلة وكانوا
جالسين في فناء منزلها.. لم تعرفهم .. وقالت لا أظنني أعرفكم ولكن
لابد أنكم جوعي ! أرجوكم تفضلوا بالدخول لتأكلوا.A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long
white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize
them. She said "I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry.
Please come in and have something to eat."سألوها: هل رب البيت موجود؟
Is the man of the house in home?" they asked .فأجابت :لا، إنه بالخارج.
" No", she replied. "He’s out ."فردوا: إذن لا يمكننا الدخول.
"Then we cannot come in", they replied .وفي المساء وعندما عاد زوجها أخبرته بما حصل.
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had
happenedقال لها :إذهبي اليهم واطلبي منهم أن يدخلوا!
"Go tell them I am in home and invite them in."فخرجت المرأة و طلبت إليهم أن يدخلوا.
The woman went out and invited the men in ..فردوا: نحن لا ندخل المنزل مجتمعين.
"We do not go into a House together!" they replied .سألتهم : ولماذا؟
"Why is that?" she asked .فأوضح لها أحدهم قائلا: هذا اسمه (الثروة) وهو يومئ نحو أحد أصدقائه،
وهذا (النجاح) وهو يومئ نحو الآخر وأنا (المحبة)، وأكمل قائلا: والآن
ادخلي وتناقشي مع زوجك من منا تريدان أن يدخل منزلكم !
One of the old men explained : "His name is Wealth," he said as
pointing to one of his friends, and said, pointing to another one
, "He is Success, and I am Love ." Then he added, "Now go in and
discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home .."دخلت المرأة وأخبرت زوجها ما قيل. فغمرت السعادة زوجها وقال: ياله من
شئ حسن، وطالما كان الأمر على هذا النحو فلندعوا (الثروة) !. دعيه
يدخل و يملئ منزلنا بالثراء!
The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband
was overjoyed . "How nice!" he said . "Since that is the case, let
us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth !"فخالفته زوجته قائلة: عزيزي، لم لا ندعو (النجاح)؟
His wife disagreed . "My dear, why don’t we invite Success?"كل ذلك كان على مسمع من زوجة ابنهم وهي في أحد زوايا المنزل
.. فأسرعت باقتراحها قائلة: أليس من الأجدر أن ندعوا
(المحبة)؟ فمنزلنا حينها سيمتلئ بالحب!
Their daughterinlaw was listening from the other corner of the
house. She jumped in with her own suggestion : "Would it not be
better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love ."فقال الزوج: دعونا نأخذ بنصيحة زوجة ابننا!
"Let us heed/follow our daughterinlaw’ s advice," said the
husband to his wife !اخرجي وادعي (المحبة) ليحل ضيفا علينا!
"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."خرجت المرأة وسألت الشيوخ الثلاثة: أيكم (المحبة)؟ أرجو أن يتفضل
بالدخول ليكون ضيفنا
The woman went out and asked the three old men , "Which one of
you is Love? Please come in and be our guest ."نهض (المحبة) وبدأ بالمشي نحو المنزل .. فنهض الإثنان الآخران وتبعاه
!. وهي مندهشة, سألت المرأة كلا من (الثروة) و(النجاح) قائلة: لقد
دعوت (المحبة) فقط ، فلماذا تدخلان معه؟
Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two
also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and
Succes "I only invited Love ; Why are you coming in?"فرد الشيخان: لو كنت دعوت (الثروة) أو (النجاح) لظل الإثنان الباقيان
خارجا، ولكن كونك دعوت (المحبة) فأينما يذهب نذهب معه .. أينما توجد
المحبة، يوجد الثراء والنجاح.!
The old men replied together : "If you had invited Wealth or
Success, the other two of us would’ve stayed out, but since you
invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is
Love, there is also Wealth and Success."اتمنى ان تنال ع اعجابكم
مو من تأليفي للامانة منقولة
مع خالص تحياتي
ابن البلد
التصنيف: العلم
هذي بعض الاقتباسات من أقوال مشاهير سواء في الفن أو السياسه تقدرون تستفيدون منها
وبعد تتفلسفون بها على أصحابكم
أنا بصراحه حفظت لي 3 وكل ماقعدت اسولف مع بنات عمي تفلسفت عليهم بوحده منهم
بس نصيحة عن الفشله لا تقلونها إلا بمحلها يعني مو السالفه في جهه وانت داخل عرض فيها,,,,,
وإنشاالله تعجبكم أول مشاركه لي في المنتدى,,,,,,,,,,”You must look into people, as well as at them”
"يجب ان تنظر في داخل الناس,بالإضافة إلى الشكل الخارجي"
Lord chesterfield
”First, learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak"
"أولا تعلم معنى ماتقوله,وبعد ذلك تكلم"
"the only way to have friend is to be one”
"الطريقة الوحيده لأن يكون عندك صديق هو أن تكون أنت صديق"
Ralph waldo emerson
”choose your friends carfaly.your enemies will choose you”
"إختر أصدقائك بعنايه فالأعداء سيختارونك"
Yasser Arafat
”live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live for ever”
"عش كأنك تموت غدآ. وتعلم كما لوكنت ستعيش الى الأبد"
Mahatma Ghandi
”the past can’t be changed ;the future is yet your power”
"الماضي لا يمكن أن يتغير؛المستقبل لحد الآن في قوتك"
Mary pickford
”time is th most valuable thing a man can spend”
"الوقت الشئ الأكثر ثمنآ يمكن ان يصرفه الأنسان "
Leartius kiogenes
”’there are people who have money and people who are rich”
"يوجد ناس لديهم نقود وناس من هم أغنياء"
Coco Chanel
”when you teach a man, you teach an individual .when you teach a women ,you teach a family”
"عندما تعلم رجل فأنت تعلم فرد؛ وعندما تعلم إمرأه فأنت تعلم عائله"
Van harest
”friendship is one mind in two bodies”
"الصداقه عقل واحد في جسمين"
”we can do any thing we want to if we stick to it long enough”
"نحن يمكن أن نعمل أي شئ نريده إذا تمسكنا بهذا الشئ لمده طويله بما فيه الكفايه"
Helen keller
”The secret of success is to know some thing no body knows"
"إن سر النجاح أن تعرف شئ لا أحد يعرفه غيرك"
Aristotle onassis
”knowledge speaks ,but wisdom listens”
"المعرفه تتكلم ,لكن الحكمه تستمع"
Jim hendres
”when all else is lost the future still remains”
"عندما تفقد كل شئ المستقبل مازال باقيا"
Christian Nestel bovee
إنشالله تعجبكم …………………………ولا تحرموني من ردودكم…………………[/
سبحان الله و بحمده
Oh God انجليزية
I stopped to buy to buy some candy.
The lad who sold it had such charm.
I talked with him, he seemed so glad.
If I were late, it’d do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
"I thank you, you’ve been so kind.
You see," he said, "I’m blind."
Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 eyes, the world is mineI saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play.
He did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don’t you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word.
And then I knew, he couldn’t hear.
Oh God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 ears, the world is mine.With feet to take me where I’d go.
With eyes to see the sunset’s glow.
With ears to hear what I’d know.
Oh God, forgive me when I whine.I’ve been blessed indeed, the world is mine
From: Tune Of Life
سبحان الله و بحمده
تحقيق صحفي مختصر للتعليم
أمثال وحكم باللغتين
-A bad workman quarrels his tools.
الصانع المهمل يتشاجر مع ادواته .
– When the cat is away the mice play.
عندما تغيب الهرة تلعب الفئران
– Without hope the would break.
لولا الامل لانفطر الفؤاد
– laugh and the world laught with you weep and you weep alone
اضحك يضحك العلم معك وابك تبك لوحدك
– East or west the home is best
مهما اشرقت واغربت فلن تجد خيرا من الوطن
– Believe not all that you see nor half you hear
لا تصدق كل ما تراه ولا نصف ما تسمعه
– A burnt child dreads the fire
الطفل المكتوي بالنار يخاف النار
– A fox is not taken twice in the same share
لا يوقع الثعلب نفسه في الشرك مرتين
– A burnt child dreads the fire
الطفل المكتوي بالنار يخاف النار
– A fox is not taken twice in the same share
لا يوقع الثعلب نفسه في الشرك مرتين
*** **** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** ***
مع التحيه من أخوكم محترم
سبحان الله و بحمده
Written and Illustrated by
G.G. Toropov and Cleone Cassidy
Little Miss Mary was tired of shopping –
All day on her feet she’d been merrily hopping
From boutique to salon, from one to the other,
While asking for THIS and for THAT from her Mother…
I want to have this and I want to have that!
These shoes that I bought will look nice with that hat.
My open-toed sandals are just, SOOO passé!
If I wear them to school, what WILL the girls say?
I need: a new skirt, and a dress, and a jacket,
For tennis, new trainers to match my new racket,
New t-shirt. New blouse. A new Fendi bag –
The one on display, with a WHOPPING price tag!
Little Miss Mary’s Mommy was proud –
She too always spent to the limit allowed
On the gold credit card, which her husband had given –
She KNEW her excesses would soon be forgiven.
Little Miss Mary was a chip off the block.
If she could shop, she would shop and right round the clock!
Three-sixty a year and twenty-four-seven,
Impressive for someone who just turned eleven…
But hardly a coup, when ALL posh Mommies coo
Into Porsche baby prams: Gucci-goo, Gucci-goo.
No wonder that Mary’s first words to her nanny
Were: Pla-da, Ga-ba-na, Lac-wa and A-ma-ni!
Moschino? Versace? Where shall we go next?
That’s enough for today, you maxed-out the AmEx.
Any more shopping must wait till tomorrow,
There’s plenty more money that Daddy can borrow.
on hearing
the news Mary drew a deep sigh
But there’s SOOO much more that I wanted to buy.
Sooo many shoes that I kept a keen eye on,
Sooo many dresses I wanted to try on.
But Mommy had already summoned assistants,
Who replied to her call in no more than an instance.
In a blink of an eye they were all in position,
Eager to please (as they worked for commission).
They loaded their bags in the big four-by-four.
They filled up the boot and they covered the floor,
Till there was no space left, no place left to pack,
So they piled even more bags above the ski-rack.
And off home they drove – Mother and Daughter
Hydrating themselves with Evian water;
Mom at the wheel of her new Chelsea Tractor,
Miss Mary behind her, poised to distract her…
With pertinent problems like: How can one tell
Between bags that are bootleg and REAL Chanel?
Or questions like: Mom why don’t WE have a butler?
And other BIG issues from Vogue and from Tatler.
The traffic, amazingly, wasn’t too bad.
They arrived in no-time at their posh Mayfair pad;
A GORGEOUS, split-level, detached pied-à-terre
Where Little Miss Mary lived with-out a care.
And that’s where we find her – tired from shopping,
Exhausted from all of that running and hopping
From salon to boutique with Mom as her caddie,
Buying up Bond Street and all on her Daddy…
Who works all day long, all night long in the City
As Chair Of The Board and as Head Of Committees;
Earning big bucks so that she can look pretty –
NO EXPENSE SPARED on his Sweet Little Kitty.
Little Miss Mary made her Daddy proud
By jumping in queues and by pushing through crowds,
By spending his money in ALL sorts of places
From Moscow to Paris, from Harrods to Macy’s.
Mary would COME, she would SEE, she would BUY!
From Cannes to Hong Kong, from Milan to Dubai.
If there was a contest, then she would be crowned:
The world’s greatest shopper! (pound for pound).
But now she was tired and lay on her bed.
Musing if this season’s black would be red.
Mulling the fate of poor fabric exporters
If all the designers cut skirts by three-quarters.
She put on her eye-mask and drifted to sleep;
Counting sheep, after sheep, after sheep, after sheep,
But all the while thinking: How it would be better
To use all their wool for a Burberry sweater.
Soon Little Miss Mary was out like a light,
But she didn’t sleep long and woke up with a fright!
She opened her eyes and was very surprised
When a huge, hairy Monster… MATERIALIZED!The Monster yelled BOO! to give Mary a scare,
But Mary just fixed the great Beast with a stare.
She looked up and down from his toes to his hair
With total disdain while the Monster stood there.
Why! asked the Monster You show me no fear!?
Have you looked in the mirror? You’re just SOOO last year!
Your tail isn’t bad, but is there a reason…
For sporting those horns, which are just SOOO last season?
Monster was stunned. At a loss what to say
His prey wasn’t screaming or running away!
He wasn’t accustomed to such a response,
He was used to HYSTERICS not pert nonchalance.
But Mary stayed poised as a lady should be,
She displayed no attempt or desire to flee.
She turned on the light so that he could see clearer
And showed the big Monster his FACE in the mirror.
He gawked for a while at his wretched reflection
He winced at his wrinkled and withered complexion.
My skin feels like leather, I have crusty eyes!
What did you expect when you don’t moisturize?
My nails are all broken! My teeth are all yellow!
My fur is in clumps! He let out a BELLOW!
My horns are askew and my coat is molting.
He started to sob… I am… truly… revolting!
Come on now don’t cry. Said Little Miss Mary.
You DO have a choice, you don’t HAVE to be scary!
Behind that snarl and that piercing stare,
You’re just a big softy – a HUGE teddy-bear!
But the big hairy Monster was not quite as certain –
Embarrassed he wrapped himself up in a curtain
And told Little Mary that with-out a doubt,
He’s a HIDEOUS creature and he’ll NEVER come out.
Miss Mary agreed: You are ugly for sure,
But it’s something you really don’t have to endure.
So you haven’t been blessed with the best of genetics;
Who needs Mother Nature, when we have cosmetics!?
For each of your problems you’ll find there’s a cure
From a deep cleansing facial to a French pedicure.
To NUMEROUS methods for rogue hair removal
So what do you say? Do I have your approval?
Would you like to be pampered and fashioned and styled?
MADE-OVER BY MARY? – The big Monster smiled.
I can tell from that smile that it’s been quite a while
Since you’ve seen a toothbrush, or have used a nail-file.
And I sense from your stench, or at least I presume,
That you’re also a stranger to soap and perfume.
While Little Miss Mary stood pinching her nose
The big Monster blushed from his head to his toes.
Don’t worry said Mary We’ll give you a shower
We’ll soak you and clean you, we’ll scrub and we’ll scour.
We’ll cleanse and we’ll tone, we’ll wax and we’ll pluck,
We’ll snip and we’ll peel, we’ll nip and we’ll tuck!
If you want to look pretty you’re on the right path.
Lets start with the basics… You’re having a bath!She dragged the big Monster inside her en-suite
Full of lotions and potions all fragrant and sweet,
Full of loofahs and sponges to rub and to scrub
And rose scented candles lit round the tub.
Once there the Monster forgot ALL his troubles
In bath salts and oils and white, fluffy bubbles.
And as he relaxed, Mary started her mission;
She began by shampooing and then she conditioned…
She used tinted toners, tonics and creams,
She applied elbow grease (as weird as it seems)
Because THAT, for Miss Mary, was EX-tremely rare.
After all, she was heir to a millionaire.
She rolled up her sleeves and got stuck in her task.
She smeared on a Dead Sea, firming face masque.
She lathered and foamed, she combed and untangled,
Till the Monster emerged spick-n-span and newfangled!
Well there you go, you no longer smell foul.
Said Little Miss Mary, handing over a towel.
And now for the fun part, lets start from the top
To be brutally honest your hair is a MOP!
I have to
be frank – I am not even sure
Of how to approach this kind of coiffure.
Maybe a fringe? Or a crop? Or a bob?
Or perhaps a French Plait will do just the job?
Whatever we do you will first have to swear;
In future you’ll take better care of your hair.
How on EARTH did you ever expect to make friends
With split-ends that have their OWN split-ends?
The Monster’s face faded by at least several shades
Once he spotted the glint of the sharp scissor blades.
Frightened, he opted to keep his eyes shut
And chewed on his nails, through his first haircut.
Mary danced round his head like a crazed ballerina,
Like a MAD matador in a bullfight arena;
Dodging his horns while clipping his ears,
Which, it has to be said, only worsened his fears.
The Monster’s anxiety did not diminish
Until Little Mary announced: I AM FINISHED!
He opened his eyes and was over the Moon!
It looked like his cut was by Vidal Sassoon!
His hair was no longer the nest of a vulture;
It was modern-art like an avant-garde sculpture.
Geometric yet flowing. Organic yet neat…
And that’s just the mound that lay at his feet!I’m so HAPPY Miss Mary I could give you a kiss!
While you have halitosis, I’ll give that a miss;
There’s still so much more that needs to be done.
Don’t think this is over. The fun’s JUST begun!
Mary brushed up his teeth until they were white.
She polished his horns so they weren’t such a fright.
She curled his eyelashes and buffed every nail.
She fluffed up his wings and she straightened his tail.
His immense monobrow was trimmed and then tweezed,
The spots on his nose were steamed and then squeezed,
She plucked his disgusting, unsightly nose hairs,
She peeled and exfoliated LOTS of skin layers…
With Caviar Granules for Derma-abrasionTM
Which Mommy’s been saving for special occasions,
Who swore that the tiny, dried eggs from a Sturgeon
Were better than dating a TOP plastic surgeon.
The results were AMAZING! Not a wrinkle in sight!
The Monster could hardly contain his delight.
He clapped his big hands and he stomped his huge feet,
But Mary’s makeover STILL wasn’t complete!
She waited for calm and then said: I suppose,
It’s time that we found some suitable clothes.
My Daddy’s quite fat, so I’m sure we can find
A suit that would fit your ENORMOUS behind.
They went to the wardrobe and opened the door,
It was haute-couture HEAVEN from ceiling to floor.
There were shoes, there were suits and dresses galore!
The Monster was slack-jawed, his eyes open wide,
He hadn’t the SLIGHTEST clue how to decide
Between: Prada, Armani or Gucci, or Boss.
In this maze of designers he was quite at a loss!
But thankfully Little Miss Mary was able
To find her way through the labyrinth of labels.
She scoured the shelves and rummaged through rails,
Convinced that the Monster would look great in tails…
Mary searched for her father’s bespoke formal wear,
After all it was Daddy, who made her aware
That even a MONKEY dressed up in a tux
Had a GOOD chance to look like a million bucks.
She furnished the Monster with J.P. Tod’s shoes,
A Ralph Lauren shirt, then proceeded to choose
A STUNNING tuxedo from Louis Vuitton
And with bated breath waited – as he put it on.
Within a few moments Miss Mary could tell
That the dressing-up part wasn’t going so well.
It became pretty clear his suit wouldn’t fit
When the Monster bent down and his trousers split!
Propriety precludes me from telling you where,
But it was, as you guessed, an embarrassing tear.
The pants weren’t designed for a beast of his size.
And the rest of the clothes met a likewise demise…
The tailor-made tailcoat was torn into shreds!
The shirt was reduced to some buttons on threads!
The waistcoat was wasted! The shoes were too small;
His toes burst through them, but then, worst of all…
The Royal Ascot top hat, which was worn to the races,
Got impaled on the Monster’s big horn of all places!
The final result was the tux was in TATTERS…
The Monster had turned haute-couture into schmattas!
I cannot believe I could be so naïve!
Said Little Miss Mary a little bit peeved:
I ought to have guessed it SOOO much faster
That getting you dressed would end in disaster!
But the big hairy Monster was simply ecstatic,
He tingled all over (though it may have been static)
So what if his clothes were ripped at the seams?
They MORE than exceeded his WILDEST dreams!
I want to thank you so much, I don’t know where to start?
Instead of my gut, there’s a place in my heart.
For Mary you’ve changed me both inside and out.
I was going to devour you… Now I’m DEVOUT!
I can’t wait to get back to the big monsters’ lair
To show them my clothes, my skin and my hair.
I shall teach other Monsters how not to be feared!
He thanked her once more and with that… disappeared.
After waving good-bye Mary drew a deep sigh,
Lay back and imagined new things she could buy,
But hard as she tried her dreams weren’t the same,
Compared to the Monster they all seemed so… tame.
Her entire short life she’d behaved like a brat
With a Can I have this? and a Can I have that!
But it looked like she’d finally found her passion;
Not JUST for herself, but for big monster fashion.
She never imagined one day she may yearn
Not for dresses or shoes, but a Monster’s return.
When all of a sudden, she heard something creaking.
She sat up and listened to scraping and squeaking…
The closet doors opened and through them came out
A motley of monsters with horns, tails and snouts;
Sharp teeth and long tentacles, talons and trunks,
Some hairy, some scaly ALL smelly as skunks!
It’s hard to find words to describe their features;
They were, beyond doubt, the UGLIEST creatures!
Every single one weird, every single one wild,
Every single one there to be fashioned and styled.
What do you do, when you’re faced with such freaks?
Do you faint? Do you run? Do you hide? Do you shriek?
Miss Mary’s solution was typically chic:
I will open the world’s first MONSTER BOUTIQUE!
The End
سبحان الله و بحمده
[never say] من روآئـع شكسبير~O, never say that I was false of heart,
Though absence seem’d my flame to qualify.
As easy might I from myself depart
As from my soul, which in thy breast doth lie:
That is my home of Love: if I have ranged,
Like him that travels I return again,
Just to the time, not with the time exchanged,
So that myself bring water for my stain.
Never believe, though in my nature reign’d
All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood,
That it could so preposterously be stain’d,
To leave for nothing all thy sum of good;
For nothing this wide universe I call,
Save thou, my ; in it thou art my all{ …الترجمــة
لا تقولي أبدا إن قلبي خان
وإن أبدى الغياب خمود مشاعري
فإن سهل علي أن أغادر ذاتي
فروحي تسكن قلبك
موطن حبي الذي إن بعدت عنه
عدت إليه كالمسافر
العائد في موعده
أطهر آثامي
لا تصدقي رغم كل الضعف الذي يملأ كل دم
فيعكر صفوه
أن أترك نعيمك للعدم .
لا شيء من هذا العالم الفسيح أطلبه
سواك يا زهرتي . يا كل ما لدي .With all my Love