التصنيف: الإنجليزية
Dreaming Of You
dreaming of you
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you
And I wish on a star that somewhere you are
Thinking of me too~ * ~ * ~
Cause I’m dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I’ll be holding you tight
And there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me~ * ~ * ~
Wonder if you ever see me
And I wonder if you know I’m there
If you looked in my eyes
Would you see what’s inside
Would you even care?~ * ~ * ~
I just wanna hold you close
But so far all I have are dreams of you
So I wait for the day
And the courage to say how much I love you
Yes I do~ * ~ * ~
I’ll be dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I’ll be holding you tight
And there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me~ * ~ * ~
I can’t stop dreaming of you
No puedo dejar de pensar en ti
I can’t stop dreaming
Como te necesito
I can’t stop dreaming of you
Mi amor, como te extrano~ * ~ * ~
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you
And I still can’t believe
That you came up to me and said "I love you"
I love you too~ * ~ * ~
Now I’m dreaming with you tonight
Till tomorrow and for all of my life
And there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be
Than here in my room dreaming with you endlessly~ * ~ * ~
Dreaming of you tonight
With you tonight
Till tomorrow I’ll be holding you tight
And there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be
Than here in my room
I’ll be dreaming of you tonight
And I’ll be holding you tight
Dreaming with you tonight
Endlessly~ * ~ * ~ * ~
سبحان الله و بحمده
Really Strange … But Smart للدراسة
I CAN READ IT! CAN YOUfi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt
سبحان الله و بحمده
هذه العبارات والكلمات تساعدكم في الرد على المشاركات باللغة الانجليزية ,, متمنية لكم الاستفادة منها ان شاء الله تعالى:
( كلمات الشكر )
Many thanks to you:شكرا جزيلا لك
شكرا جزيلا:Thanks a lot
Thank a million:شكر مليون
شكرا جزيلا لك :Thank you very much
Thanks for being here : شكرا لحضورك
Thank you for your presence:اشكرك على تواجدك
شكرا كثيرا لمرورك : Many thanks for passing by
Thank you for your participation: شكرا لمشاركتك
Thank your for your sweet comments : شكرا لتعليقك الجميل
شكري وتقديري : My thankfulness & appreciation
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( اسماء )
قطعة ادبيه: piece of literature
topic subject : موضوع
sharing : مشاركة / مساهمة
participation : مشاركة
مقال : article
كلمات : words
comments : تعليق
جهد: effort
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(صفات تحتاجها لتعبرعن رأيك لموضوع )
nice : جميل
رائع :wonderful
excellent : ممتاز
fantastic : رائع مدهش
beautiful : جميل
valuable: قيم
مفيد : useful
lovely : لطيف جميل
مضحك: funny
ممتع مثير للإهتمام :interesting
ممتع / مبهج : enjoyable
great : عظيم
good : جيد
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فقط ضع الصفة قبل الاسم
مثال :
nice subject
wonderful piece
beautiful sharing
lovely words
great article
excellent participation
Great job !
Great efforts
participationGreat job !
Great efforts
Good job
وهكذا …
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( عبارات للتجشيع )
بارك الله لك : May Allah Bless you
May Allah protect you : رعاك او حماك الله
جزاك الله : May Allah Reward you
أستمر : Keep going
Keep it up : واصل ! استمر !
استمر في جهودك العظيمة ! :Keep up the great work here
تعجبني مثل هذه المواضيع : I like such topics
It’s worth reading : يستحق القراءه
Your topic is really excellent ! موضوعك حقا ممتاز
Nice choice ! اختيار جميل !
اختيارك للمواضوع دائما جميل :Your choice of topics is always beautiful
اقدرحضورك : I appreciate your presence
Best of regards : افضل التحيات
اطيب التحيات : Best Regards
تحيات : Regards
احترام : Respect
Peace & prayer : سلام ودعاء
سبحان الله و بحمده
paroles de everyday
هاي أنا إجيت اليوم و جبت معايا فيديو و كلمات أغنية everyday لفيلم high school musical
CLIP High School Musical 2 Everyday VIDEO
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Clip High School Musical 2 – Everyday
Once in a lifetime
Means there’s no second chance
So I believe that you and me
Should grab it while we can[Gabriella]
Make it last forever
And never give it back[Troy]
It’s our turn, and I’m loving where we’re at[Troy et Gabriella]
Because this moment’s really all we have[Troy]
Of our lives[Gabriella]
Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight[Troy]
Gonna run[Troy et Gabriella]
While we’re young
And keep the faith[Troy]
Everyday[Troy et Gabriella]
From right now,
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud[Gabriella]
Take my hand[Troy]
Together we
Will celebrate[Gabriella]
Celebrate[Troy et Gabriella]
Oh, everyday[Gabriella]
They say that you should follow[Troy]
And chase down what you dream[Gabriella]
But if you get lost and lose yourself[Troy]
What does is really mean?[Gabriella]
Oh! No matter where we’re going[Troy]
Oh, yeah! It starts from where we are[Gabriella]
There’s more to life[Troy et Gabriella]
When we listen to our hearts
And because of you, I’ve got the strength to start
Yeah, yeah, yeah!Everyday
Of our lives,
Wanna find you there[Gabriella]
Wanna hold on tight[Troy et Gabriella]
Gonna run
While we’re young
And keep the faith[Gabriella]
Oh![Troy et Gabriella]
From right now,[Troy et Gabriella]
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand
Together we
Will celebrate[Gabriella]
Oh, everyday[Troy]
We’re taking it back,
We’re doing it here
It’s better like that,
and stronger now
than ever![Troy]
We’re not gonna lose[Troy et Gabriella]
‘Cause we get to choose
That’s how it’s gonna be![Troy]
Of our lives[Gabriella]
Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight[Troy]
Gonna run
While we’re young[Troy et Gabriella]
And keep the faith
Keep the faith![Choeur, Troy et Gabriella]
Of our lives,
Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight
Gonna run (Gonna run)
While we’re young
And keep the faith[Troy]
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah![Choeur, Troy et Gabriella]
Everyday (Everyday)
From right now (From right now)
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand (Take my hand)
Together we
Will celebrate[Troy et Gabriella]
Everyday! (Live everyday!)[Gabriella]
Oh, oh!Everyday!(Love everyday!)[Troy]
Oh, oh![Gabriella]
Oh! Everyday!(Live everyday!)[Troy]
No, no, everyday!(Love everyday!)
Oh, yeah, yeah![Gabriella]
I say everyday! (Everyday)[Troy]
Everyday! (Everyday)[Gabriella]
Everyday! (Everyday)[Choeur et Troy]
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سبحان الله و بحمده
feeling in love لتعلم الانجليزية
if you find your self in love with someone who dose not love you , be gentel with your self. there is nothing wrong with you. love just didn’t choose to rest in the other person’s heart
if you find someone else in love with you and you don’t love him/her, feel honored that love came and called at your door, but gentaly refuse the gift you cannot return, do not take advantage, do not cause pain
if you fall in love with another, and he/she falls in love with you, and then love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or to assess blame, let it go. there is a reasone and there is a meaning. you will know in time
remember that you don’t choose love, love chooses you. all you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life. feel the way it fills you to verflowing, then reach out and give it away
how you deal with love is how you deal with your self, and all our hearts fell the same pains and joys as you , even if our lives or ways are different
the first blush of new love is filled to overflowing, but as thir lovecools, they revert to seeing thir love as need . they cease to be someone who generates love & instead become someone who seeks love
سبحان الله و بحمده
كما نعرف في اللغة العربية بانها خليط من الكلمات اذن اللغة
الانجليزيه ايضا خليط من الكلمات والتي عادة ما تتكون من اسم او
فعل او صفة او حرف جر .. ولضرورة هذه الاقسام فسوف نسلط
الضوء على الاهم بايجاز كي نتفق مع المبتدئ في تعلم هذه اللغة …
فمثلا هذه الجملة سنكتبها بهذا الشكل
I play football everyday
نلاحظ اننا استخدمنا الفاعل وهو I
ثم الفعل وهو play
ثم المفعول به وهو football
ثم تكلمة الجمله everyday
نبدا بالقسم الاول :
الاسماء : (Nouns )
وتنقسم هذه الاسماء الي قسمين :
القسم الاول وهو اسماء المدن والاشخاص والاماكن ودائما تبدا
بحرف كبتيل كبير مثال :
Ahmed _ London – Riyadh
القسم الثاني وهو اسماء عامة مذكرة او مؤنثه مثال :
car – girl -boy -sea
القسم الثاني :
الضمائر (Pronouns )
وهي تنقسم على ثلاثة اقسام :
اولا : ضمائر شخصية مثل :I-You -they -we
ثانيا : ضمائر اشارة مثل : this-that-these-those وهي للعاقل وغير العاقل
ثالثا : ضمائر الوصل والربط مثل: that ( الذي التي للعاقل وغير
العاقل ) ثم who ( الذي او التي للعاقل فقط)
القسم الثالث :
الافعال: (Verbs )
وسنقسمها الي اربعة اقسام كالتالي :
1- افعال عادية ( Regular Verbs ) وهي معظم الافعال في اللغة
الانجليزية وعند تحويلها الي صيغة الماضي نضيف اليها ed مثل :
liked – palyed
2-افعال شاذه ( Irregular Verbs ) وهي مجموعة محددة من
الافعال تنتهي بنهايات مختلفة من فعل الي فعل عند تحويلها الي
صيغة الماضي مثل : go تتحول الي went
3-افعال مساعدة ( Auxiliary verb ) او كما يسميها البعض
helping verbs
وهي مهمة جدا في تركيب الجملة مثل : am -is – are -do-
4- افعال مركبة ( phrasel Verbs ) وهي تتكون من فعل وحرف
او ظرف كما في المثال التالي : stand up – pick up – break
القسم الرابع :
الصفات ( Adjectives )
وهي دائما تدل على الصفة التي تناسب العاقل وغير العاقل كما نقول احمد ولد
نشيط ومن هذه الصفات كالتالي small -big -good -bad
القسم الخامس :
حروف الجر ( prepostions )
وفائدتها تبن العلاقة بين اجزاء الكلام مثل عند ومن وعلى وفي كالتالي
at-in-on -from –
القسم السادس :
حروف العطف : ( coujunctions )
ودائما نستفيد منها في عملية الربط بين الجمل او العبارات مثل so -and-but
القسم السابع :
الظروف ( Advebs )
واهم هذه الظروف كالتالي :
1- ظرف زمان مثل before -after -now
2- ظرف مكان مثل there-here
3-ظرف يدل على السبب مثل because4-ظروف تدل على الكيفية او الحال وينتهي معظمها بالاحرف ly مثل
القسم الثامن والاخير
المصطلحات : ( Idioms)
وهي تكون مصطلحات جاهزة وتساعدنا في الكتابة
او المحادثة باللغة الانجليزية
ولها عدة امثلة كالتالي
as soon as possible بالسرعة الممكنة
to be honest with u لكي اكون صادق معك
سبحان الله و بحمده
How to be positively confidentAll what you need to do to destroy people is to make them feel unconfident. Arabs say " A confident individual walks like a king", and I believe they are right since you can notice that people with high self esteem, have a special way of walking. Some people confuse vanity with confidence, and think they are the same. The truth is , confidence is a positive trait while vanity is a negative one. I write this article to show that you can be a confident individual without being puffed in vanity. First, lets agree that being confident is a positive trait that every human being needs to overcome daily life problems. However, taking too much pride in yourself can be a disease. You have to know that confidence can be expressed through words, signs and actions. What I mean here is , you do not have to yell at people to tell them that you are confident. Here is how to stay permanently confident.
1- A confident individual always avoids getting into personal comparisons. Do not say " I’ m better than him or I’m smarter". A confident individual only competes against circumstances . Do not compete against others because this will reduce your self confidence. You and others are working under different circumstances and that’s why you should avoid personal comparisons. Think about your own problems carefully and find a way to overcome them.
2- A confident individual can not be easily dragged into fights and useless arguments. You should always stay in focus of what is going on. look at the faces of people who go on useless arguments and exchange insults. Do you really want to be like them? Be careful, don’t make a joke out of yourself.
3- Do not talk about things you do not know. Confident does not mean that you are Wikipedia. I know some people do that to impress girls or catch their professor’s attention. Unfortunately, most of the time they end up getting caught. I remember my friend went on a date with an Irish girl. The date was going fine until my friend told the wa ess that he could speak Spanish to impress his girl . My pompous friend did not know that the wa ess lived in Mexico until she was twenty years old. I guess you know the rest of the story! My friend’s face turned to a beautiful red color and the girl never talked to him again.
4- A confident individual always selects words carefully . You should always think before you say anything. Most people end up regretting what they said because it sounded stupid or hurt someone’s feelings. Thinking before talking will keep you out of trouble and simultaneously enhance your self-confidence.
5- A confident individual does not mean that you are perfect. If you think you are perfect , I strongly recommend consulting a psychiatrist. We all make mistakes. This just how humans are and you have to accept this reality. However, Try to take advantage of your mistakes. work on learning from them , and always focus on acquiring new positive habits.
6- Confidence fluctuates. This is a reality too. There are times when you feel worthless and useless. Do not let this idea gets to your brain because this kind of thinking will gradually destroy you. Think logically, and see the positive side of making mistakes. So what if you made another mistake? At least you learned a new lesson. However, Don’t make the same mistake again.
7- Confident does not mean looking down on people. This is a very common disease! You should always respect people’s mentalities, beliefs, opinions and ideas. Do not think that your opinion is always right because only dictators and narrow-minded people do that. Open your heart to people and listen to their opinions. Asking for an opinion or an advice on something will minimize the probability of making mistakes.
8- Finally, Enjoy walking like a king and stay confident
سبحان الله و بحمده
When was love supposed to make you cry?
I look to the heavens and ask them why.
But they don’t whisper a single phrase
And I’m left wandering in a daze.
I thought it was love, but it couldn’t be
Because there is just too much hurt inside of me.
When was love supposed to hurt so much?
Wasn’t it all about yearning for their touch?
Instead I fear of what you might say
I think about the possibilities every day.
I just get this feeling that it will come crashing to an end
It’s a feeling that seems to grow stronger when I see you again.
Is it just me or is the distance growing between us
Getting larger without the safety of our trust?
It isn’t fair because certain words just make cry
I try to just let the words slip by
But some keep replaying in my mind.
And each time I hear them the feeling gets worst
And I’m struck with the notion I am under a curse.
Was I ever meant to be loved by somebody who will care?
Or am I just an object to be used since I’m there?
I wish these questions could be answered, but they never will
Love is something I wish I could just kill.
Because it hurts too much to hold on with all my might
Thinking you may be with somebody else tonight.
And it tears at my heart and eats me from within
Why did I have to make you more than a friend?
Was I an idiot to think it could work?
I feel it since I feel like dirt.
I felt like there was something, like I was the one
But surely the lies were still here to come.
And one after one, they cut at my heart
Until it was broken and torn apart.
How much pain can a person take?
Fell in love with nothing but a fake.
A person I wanted and made perfect in my mind
But this isn’t a love that could ever be mine.
I should have never believed the words that were said
Or the dreams and the desires that danced in my head.
What would you call this? A game of pain?
A game that is not a romantic dance in the rain.
Instead you are struck with the cold hand of reality
And everything that you wanted is nothing but a fantasy
That could never become true because this is how it goes
This is the story that everyone knows.
When was love supposed to be so confusing?
Filling you with hatred and abusing
People taken advantage of your tender heart
Until you have no idea where you wish to start.
I just want to run and cry when I hear what might be
And I know deep down inside that broken down girl is going to be me.