
Too Lazy to Workout تعلم انجليزي

Too Lazy to Workout

Exercising while you’re pregnant is very important. It is also very beneficial for you and your baby. Being fit can help you look and feel great, and it will prepare you for labor. Even though you are usually aware of the importance of exercising, sometimes there’s just not enough motivation, you simply don’t feel like working out. In any case you need a push, so by going through the benefits of exercising stated here, we hope you won’t feel lazy anymore.

During pregnancy you usually feel too tired to exercise. But you will be surprised by how much energy you have once you get started, as regular training helps elevate your metabolism, regulate your body temperature and improve your sleeping routine.

Exercise improves circulation and stimulates the digestive process which helps you prevent some of pregnancy’s common discomforts like constipation, cramps and swelling.

During pregnancy, hormones from the placenta create insulin resistance which in some cases leads to gestational diabetes. If you work out regularly you narrow down your possibilities of facing this problem.

During your nine months of pregnancy you will also experience frequent mood swings, anxiety and even depression. But if you work out you get rid of this stress and negativity and improve your self esteem.

Because of your baby’s weight you may suffer some back pain while pregnant. If you are active and exercise regularly you get to strengthen the muscles which support the back and hip, so you can relieve some of the back and hip pain.

Research and studies show that women who exercise during pregnancy go through the long duration and exhaustion of labor easier than those who doesn’t exercise. It is true that exercising takes away the pain but it also improves your breathing, strengthens your muscles and gives more tolerance to go through this marathon.

Carrying your baby, his carrier, a diaper bag and maybe more of the baby accessories, needs a fit person. So you need to train your body for this task. You can concentrate on strengthening your legs muscles, upper body and arms.

A very simple rule – the less weight you gain over the nine months the easier you will get your body back in shape after delivery. To guarantee that you won’t exceed the allowed weight gain you have to be an active person and exercise everyday along with following a balanced diet.

We hope that after going through these benefits of working out during your nine months of pregnancy, you will no longer feel motivated. So go buy some new training clothes and comfortable shoes to wear to encourage you to get in action. Finding one friend or two who can accompany you to the club or the gym will also give you a great push.

سبحان الله و بحمده


موقع لتصحيح الspelling لتعلم الانجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

موقع حلو يصحح لك الأخطاء الإملائية

أتمنى يعجبكم

وفق الله الجميع …

SpellCheck.net – Free Online Spell Checker

سبحان الله و بحمده


show me the meaning of being lonely

اليوم جايبتلكم كلمات اغنية show me the meaning of being lonely
لفرررررقة الباك ستررريت بووووويز

so many words
for the broken heart
it’s hard to see
in crimson love
so hard to breathe
walk with me, and maybe
nights of light
so soon beacome
wild and free
i can feel the sun
your every wish
will be done
……. they tall me

show me the meaning of being lonely
is this the feeling i need to walk with
tell me why
i can’t be ther where you are
ther’s some thing missing in my heart

life goes on
as it never end
eyes of stone
observe the trends
they never say forever gaze
guilty roads
to an endless love
ther’s no control
are you with me now
your every wish will be done
they tell me

there’s no where to run
i have no plase to go
surrender my heart
body and soul
how can it be you’re ascking me
to feel things you never show

you are missing in my heart
tell me why i can’t be there where you are

وهذي ترجمة الاغنية بالعربي :
***ارني المعنى ان اصبح وحيدا…
العديد من الكلمات يملؤها هذا القلب المحطم
فمن الصعب النظر الى حب قرمزي

امشي معي فلربما
ستصبح الليالي المظيئة قريبة جدا
وسأستطيع ان ارى الشمس بحريتها وحرارتها
ستتحقق جميع امنياتك هم يقولون لي ذلك

ستستمر الحياة كما لو انها لن تنتهي ابدا
عين الحجر ترقب متغيرات الحياة
فلم تلمح قط ان اللانهاية هي طريقي
الطرق المذنبة تقود الى حب لانهائي
ليس هنالك سيطرة هل انتي معي الان

ليس هناك مكان اختبئ اليه
وليس هناك لي مكان التجئ اليه
فلقد اسلمت قلبي وجسدي وروحي
فكيف يمكن ان يحدث هذا
ان تطلب مني ان اشعر بأشياء لاتظهرها لي ابدا
فأنت مفقود داخل قلبي

اتمنى ان تكون عجبتكم تحياتي……

سبحان الله و بحمده


my super nova انجليزية

one time, i saw you in the sky
in cloudy day
i felt your heartbeat in every calm rain drop
fell down over my hands
i saw you every body but no any body.
i imagined you a super nova or a star cluster
because i am sure that your gleam such as a moon shine or more better

my super nova

my ideas

سبحان الله و بحمده


A poem about The Prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him تعلم انجليزي

These are words of a Sami Yusuf’s songs about the prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him


We once had a Teacher
The Teacher of teachers,
He changed the world for the better
And made us better creatures,
Oh Allah we’ve shamed ourselves
We’ve strayed from Al-Mu’allim,
Surely we’ve wronged ourselves
What will we say in front him?
Oh Mu’allim…

He was Muhammad salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,
Muhammad, mercy upon Mankind,
Teacher of all Mankind.
Abal Qasim [one of the names of the Prophet]
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi’i ya Muhammad
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillahi Muhammad
(The best of Allah’s creation is Muhammad)
Ya Mustafa ya Imamal Mursalina
(O Chosen One, O Imam of the Messengers)
Ya Mustafa ya Shafi’al ‘Alamina
(O Chosen One, O intercessor of the worlds)
He prayed while others slept
While others ate he’d fast,
While they would laugh he wept
Until he breathed his last,
His only wish was for us to be
Among the ones who prosper,
Ya Mu’allim peace be upon you,
Truly you are our Teacher,
Oh Mu’allim..

Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi’i ya Muhammad
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Ya Rasuli ya Muhammad
(O My Messenger O Muhammad)
Ya Bashiri ya Muhammad
(O bearer of good news O Muhammad)
Ya Nadhiri ya Muhammad
(O warner O Muhammad)
‘Ishqu Qalbi ya Muhammad
(The love of my heart O Muhammad)
Nuru ‘Ayni ya Muhammad
(Light of my eye O Muhammad)
He taught us to be just and kind
And to feed the poor and hungry,
Help the wayfarer and the orphan child
And to not be cruel and miserly,
His speech was soft and gentle,
Like a mother stroking her child,
His mercy and compassion,
Were most radiant when he smiled

سبحان الله و بحمده


تعلم اللغات الاجنبيه.. للتعلم السريع

شفت لكم بعض المواقع لتعلم اللغه الاجنبيه…

وحبيت انزلها لكم عشان تستفيدون وتفيدون….

كتبهاأ.د. ريما الجرف ، في 8 سبتمبر 2024 الساعة: 08:06 ص

سبحان الله و بحمده


English Café انجليزية

hi all

we have a chating corner in our forum,but it’s in arabic!!
Today i have an idea, which is making a chating corner but in
English her
in the english forum

so 1 can
improve his/her english by practising talking in english and by enriching his/her knowledge about english words which he will read from other members..
don’t be shy 2 ask about the meaning of any word
u don’t know

we are her 2 learn,,and 2 be better in english

do u like to join us??
we will be happy with ur exitence

سبحان الله و بحمده


write to your lover انجليزية

I miss you and hopefally be near you……………………………..
but you are far from me…………………………….
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I want you baby
please do not move away from me
……………………..Ilove you
only for you baby ………………………………….

انا تخصصي كيمياء
وهذه بس كذا كتبتها
هي صح ولا خطا ……


سبحان الله و بحمده


معنى كلمة (فرقة) بالانجليزي بسرعة تعلم انجليزي

بليزززززززززز ابغى اعرف وش معنى كلمة (فرقة) بالانجليزي بسررررعة

سبحان الله و بحمده


ترجمة سورة الفاتحة باللغة الأنجيليزية لتعلم الانجليزية

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

الحمد لله رب العالمين
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

الرحمن الرحيم
The Beneficent, the Merciful.
The Beneficent, the Merciful.

مالك يوم الدين
Master of the Day of Judgment,

Master of the Day of Judgment.

إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين
Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help.
Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help.

اهدنا الصراط المستقيم
: Show us the straight path,
r: Keep us on the right path.

صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين
: The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.

The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors. Not (the path) of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray.

سبحان الله و بحمده