.Spend more time around people. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out there somehow. Friends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home watching TV.
Join a club with people who have common interests. You don’t necessarily have to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them. In fact, some of the most rewarding friendships are between two people who don’t have much in common at all, but if you have something in common with people, it can make it a lot easier to start a conversation and plan activities together.
Use the web, but get out! You can join any group or just start your own. If you don’t know of a specific topic, try searching for just a location. It’s a great way to meet new local people!
Join a sports team. A common misconception about this is that you have to be really good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others on the team, but not all teams are so competitive. As long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates, joining a local team with a laid-back attitude could be a great way to make new friends.
Volunteer. Volunteering is a great way for people of all ages to meet others. By working together you build bonds with people, and you might meet others who have a passion for changing things the way you do—a common cause..Talk to people. You can join a club, go to school, or go to church, and you still won’t make friends if you don’t actually talk to people. By the same token, you don’t have to be involved with an organization to talk to people, and any time you talk to someone, you have a chance at making a lasting friend. You can talk to anybody: the clerk at the video store, the person sitting next to you on the bus, or the person in front of you on the lunch line. Don’t be too picky. Most conversations will be a dead-end of sorts–when you may never talk to that person again, or you just remain acquaintances–but once in a while you’ll actually make a friend.
Make eye contact and smile. If you have an unfriendly countenance, people are less likely to be receptive to your friendship. Be approachable by not squinting (get some glasses), frowning or appearing blankly deadpan, such expressions may look troubled or disinterested.
Start a conversation. There are many ways to do this; a comment about your immediate environment (The weather is a classic: "At least it’s not raining like last week!"), a request for help ("Can you help me carry a few boxes, if you have a minute?" or "Can you help me decide which one of these is a better gift for my mom?") or a compliment ("That’s a nice car." or "I love your shoes."). Follow up immediately with a related question: Do you like this warm weather? What kinds of gifts do you normally buy for your mom? Where did you get shoes like that?Make small talk. Keep the conversation light and cheery. Even if you’re complaining about something, make sure it’s something you’re both dissatisfied with, and emphasize the positive—how such a situation can be avoided in the future, or alternatives. Bounce a few words back and forth for a little bit.
.Introduce yourself towards the end of the conversation. It can be as simple as saying "Oh, by the way, my name is…". Once you introduce yourself, the other person will typically do the same. Remember his or her name.
.Initiate a get-together. You can chat your heart out but it won’t get you a friend if you don’t open up the opportunity for another conversation or meeting. This is especially important if you meet someone who you aren’t otherwise likely to meet again. Seize the day!
If you’ve discovered that the person you’re talking to has a common interest, ask him or her more about it and, if appropriate, whether they get together with others (in a club, for example) to pursue this interest. If so, this is a perfect opportunity to ask about joining them. If you clearly express interest (when? where? can anyone come?) they’ll probably invite you. If you have a club, band, church, etc. that you think they might enjoy, take the opportunity to give them your number or email address and invite them to join you
Ask them out for lunch or coffee. That will give you a better opportunity to talk and get to know each othera little bit better. A good way to extend yourself is to say: "Hey, well, I’ve got to go, but if you ever want to talk over lunch or coffee or anything like that, let me give you my number/e-mail address." This gives the person the opportunity to contact you; they may or may not give you their information in return, but that’s fine. Maybe they don’t have time for new friends—don’t take it personally! Just offer your contact info to whoever seems to be potentially a good friend, and eventually somebody will get in touch.
Don’t do anything to pressure someone into being friends with you. Never chide acquaintances for failing to invite you to a party, for example; don’t call someone repeatedly or stop by uninvited (unless you have established that stopping by unannounced is o.k.); and refrain from overstaying your welcome anywhere. In general, take friendship slowly, and don’t try to force intimacy to grow quickly; the move from acquaintance to friend can take a long time. It’s understandable to want more of a good thing, but try to err on the side of less. If you are not sure about the pace of your new friendship, check in with your friend and ask directly. Too much, too fast can be scary or intimidating, and not everybody is able to say "Slow down…" – instead, they may run the other way!
.Be a good friend. Once you’ve started spending time with potential friends, remember to do your part (i.e. initiating some of the activities, remembering birthdays, asking how the other person is feeling) or else the friendship will become unbalanced and an uneasiness or distance is likely to arise.
Be reliable. If you and your friend agree to meet somewhere, don’t be late, and do not stand them up. If you’re not going to make it on time or make it at all, call them as soon as you realize it. Apologize and ask to reschedule. Don’t make them wait for you unexpectedly; it’s rude, and it is certainly not a good way to launch a potential friendship. When you say you’ll do something, do it. Be someone that people know that they can count on.
Be a good listener. Many people think that in order to be seen as "friend material" they have to appear very interesting. Far more important than this, however, is the ability to show that you’re interested in others. Listen carefully to what people say, remember important details about them (their names, their likes and dislikes), ask questions about their interests, and just take the time to learn more about them. You don’t want to be the guy or girl that always has a better story than anyone else or that changes the subject abruptly instead of continuing the flow of conversation. These people appear too wrapped up in themselves to be good friends–"one-ups-man-ship" is a put down.
Be trustworthy. One of the best things about having a friend is that you have someone to whom you can talk about anything, even secrets that you hide from the rest of the world. The key to being a good confidante is the ability to keep secrets, so it’s no secret that you shouldn’t tell other people things that were told to you in confidence. Before people even feel comfortable opening up to you, however, you need to build trust. Be honest about yourself and your beliefs, and don’t gossip about others or spread rumors or they will think you like stories better than friends.
Be there for the person. You’ve probably heard of fair-weather friends. They’re the ones who are happy to be around you when things are going well, but are nowhere to be found when you really need them. Part of being a friend is being prepared to make sacrifices of your time and energy in order to help out your friends. If a friend needs help with an unpleasant chore, or if he or she just needs a shoulder to cry on, be there
.Choose your friends wisely. As you befriend more people, you may find that some are easier to get along with than others. While you always give people the benefit of the doubt, sometimes you realize that certain friendships are unhealthy, such as if a person is obsessively needy or controlling towards you, constantly critical, or introducing dangers or threats into your life. If this is the case, ease your way out of the friendship as gracefully as possible. Preoccupy yourself with other things, such as a new volunteer opportunity, so that you can honestly say that you don’t have enough time in your schedule to spend time with them (but don’t substitute their time for time with other friends; they may notice and become jealous, and more drama will ensue). Cherish those friends you make who are a positive influence in your life, and do your best to be a positive influence in theirs.
التصنيف: الإنجليزية
The Five Words || لتعلم الانجليزية
Hi everybody, this is a new game
The game consists in finding 5 words starting with the same letter and following the alphabetic order. Then, the next player will do the same with the following alphabet.
Exemple: A
The following player will give 5 words starting with the letter B, and so on……
سبحان الله و بحمده
Ability: a natural tendency to do something well
I admire his ability to stay calm in difficult situations.المهارة
Skill: the ability to do something well as a result of training or experience
Drawing and painting need a lot of skill.الكفاءة
Competence: the quality of being able to do a job or task well enough
Does she have the necessary competence in foreign languages?الموهبة
Talent: an usually good natural ability, especially for something artistic
She’s done well in the theater – we always knew she had talent.القدرة العملية
Capability: the practical ability to do something
We have the capability to produce a better machine than thisينجز – يحقق
Accomplish: to do something successfully
You won’t accomplish anything by arguingيحرز – يحقق – ينجز (بعد محاولة جاهدة)
Achieve: to succeed in doing something after trying very hard
Have you achieved all your aimsيجري – ينفذ (بعد تخطيط)
Carry out:to do something, especially something that has been planned
Doctors carried out tests on the patientsينجح (في عقد صفقة مثلا) – يحقق شئ غير متوقع
Pull off: to succeed in doing something very good, especially if it is unexpected
The deal will be great for the company, if we can pull it offغضب
Anger: a feeling of being very annoyed
He managed to control his angerانزعاج
Annoyance: a feeling of being slightly upset or impatient
There was a tone of annoyance in her voiceغيظ – انزعاج (بالذات سرعة الغضب)
Irritation: a feeling of being annoyed and impatient
She watched with irritation as he tried to fix the wheel againاستياء – امتعاض
Resentment: the feeling of being angry and upset about something that someone else has done
The decision caused a lot of resentment among local peopleغضب شديد/عنيف
Fury: very strong anger
He shouted at us in furyغضب شديد مفاجئ
Rage: sudden extreme anger
Her face was red with rageيزعج
Annoy: to make someone feel slightly angry or impatient
Their rude behavior really annoyed usيغيظ – يزعج
Irritate: to make someone feel angry or impatient
It irritates me when the trains run lateيضايق – يزعج
Bother: to make someone feel slightly upset or irritated
It bothers me that it takes so long to get a replyيضايق – يقلق
Bug: (informal) to make someone feel slightly angry, especially for a long time
That noise is really bugging me
It’s bugging me that I can’t rememberودي
سبحان الله و بحمده
المعدودة والغير معدودة
Countable & Non-Countable Nouns
لابد أن نعرف الفرق بين الإثنين وهما عكس بعضهما
أولا : الأسماء المعدودة Countable Nouns
وتشمل الأسماء التي يستطيع أي شخص عدها ولاتمثل صعوبة في
العد مثل: التفاح ..الأقلام..الخيار ..الكراسي ..الكتب …إلخ
يعني أشياء نقدر أن نحصيها ..وهذه الأسماء
يمكن صياغة المفرد والجمع منها
مثال :
Book >>>>>>>>>>books
أمثلة في جمل:
We painted the table red and the chairs blue.
قمنا بطلاء الطاولة الحمراء والكراسي الزرقاء.إذا من شروط الإسم المعدود :
1-قد يكون مسبوقا ب:
في حالةالمفرد
2-ينتهي ب:
S/esفي حالة الجمع
* وقد نستخدم العبارات التالية قبل الإسم
المعدود لإفادة الكثرو أو الجمع مثل .
Many , a lot of ,some , two , three . fourوأي عدد ..
A chair >>>>>>>>>> many chairs
A chair >>>>>>>>>> a lot of chairs
A chair >>>>>>>>>> some chairs
A chair >>>>>>>>>> three chairs
وفي حالة السؤال نستخدم ...
How many ……..?
How many apples are there?
ثانيا : الأسماء غير المعدودة Non-Countable Nouns
(or mass noun)
هي الأسماء التي من الصعب والمستحيل أن نحصيها
ونقوم بعدها لصعوبة ذلك في الحقيقة .
مثل : الأثاث ، الأوكسجين, الأرز , العصير و الماء ….إلخمن شروط الإسم الغير معدود :
1– ليس مسبوقا ب
2– لايمكن صياغة الجمه منه بإضافة
يمكن إضافة كلمات تدل على الجمع فقط مثل:
Much , a lot of , some
water>>>>>>>>>>>>> some water
water>>>>>>>>>>>>>a lot of water
water>>>>>>>>>>>>>much water
الأسماء الملكية Possessive Nounsوهي الأسماء التي تثبت ملكية شيء معين إلى شخص معين ..
أولا : في حالة المفرد أي إذا كان الإسم مفردا نقوم بصياغة
الملكية عن طريق إضافة الفاصلة العليا ثم
Sهذه أمثلة على الأسماء المفردة :
The girl
My wife
A ladyنصيغها في الملكية تصبح :
The girl´s
My wife´s
A lady´sوهذه جمل توضح الملكية للمفرد:The red suitcase is Cassandra’s.
الشنطة الحمراء هي لكساندرا (أي هي ملك لكاساندرا)
This is Naser´spen .
هذا قلم ناصر ( يملكه ناصر)ثانيا: في حالة الجمع نقوم بصياغة الملكية عن طريق (العكس) إضافة
ثم الفاصلة العليا ،
أمثلة :
The girls>>>>>>>>>>the girls´
Their wives >>>>>>>>their wives´
The ladies >>>>>>>>the ladies´إذا لو لاحظنا إنه هذه الأسماء
في ضيغة الجمع بعكس السابقة في حالة المفرد لذلك
كل حالة لها خاصية في صياغة الملكية .أسماء شاذة لا تجمع بالطريقة العادية :
Man >>>>>>>>men
Child >>>>>>>>children
Goose >>>>>>>>>geese
Tooth >>>>>>>>>>teeth
louse>>>>>>>>>liceضيغة الجمع من هذه الأسماء لو أردنا ضياغة الملكية منها نقوم بإضافة فاصلة عليا ثم حرف
Sيعني مثل حالة المفرد
أمثلة :
The men>>>>>>>>>>the men´s
My children>>>>>>>>>my children´sمن الأميل
سبحان الله و بحمده
alone انجليزية
A word
A smile
another mile
i try to walk
A life
A Death
by a knife
i try to cut
my past
A Fire
tries to Burn
A liar
i can’t ever trust
is this my life??
Some things
Try to live
How can a stone
Cry alone???
Some words
break a heart
some tears
hurt a cheek
and then…..
every thing is gone
to the unknown
after all
nothing deserves
to be worried about
nothing deserves
to cry about
because we are
better than these things
better than a tear
is gone away
and thrown
سبحان الله و بحمده
المطلوب منكم حبايبي / أن يأتي العضو ويضع أحلى عباره قرأها بالإنجليزي …بشرط: أن يضع معناها بالعربي بحيث الكل يستفيد منها
أوكي ؟؟يالله أنا راح أبدأlaugh ,and the world laughs with you ,,weep and you weep aloneمعناها :إضحك يضحك العالم معك ,وابكي تبك وحدكأتمنى عجبتكم الجمله ؟؟
والله احلى جمله عندي
سبحان الله و بحمده
The phone bill was exceptionally high and the man of the house called a
family meeting.Dad: People this is unacceptable. You have to limit the use of the phone.
do not use this phone; I use the one at the office.Mum: Same here, I hardly use this home telephone as I use my work
Son: Me too, I never use the home phone. I always use my company mobile.Maid: So what is the problem? We all use our work telephones ..
سبحان الله و بحمده
أجمل أمثلة الحضارة الإنسانية
إذا لم تكن تعلم أين تذهب ، فكل الطرق تؤدى إلى هناك
If you don’t have an objective in life, any cause could be one
Si tu n’as pas un but dans la vie, tout peut servir comme un but.
يوجد دائما من هو أشقى منك ، فابتسم
There is always one who suffers more than you do, so you should be optimistic
Il y a toujours quelqu’un qui souffre plus que toi , donc soit optimiste
يظل الرجل طفلا حتى تموت أمه ، فإذا ماتت شاخ فجأة
A man will continue acting like a child until his mother’s death, then he will age in a sudden
L’homme continue agir comme un enfant jusqu’à la mort de sa mère, à ce moment là, il vieillira d’un seul coup
عندما تحب عدوك يحس بتفاهته
When you love your enemy is when he feels of his emptiness
C’est quand tu aimes ton enemi, c’est là quand il sent qu’il vaut rien
إذا طعنت من الخلف فاعلم أنك في المقدمة
If you have been betrayed from behind the scene, then you should be proud because you are the only one who is in front
Si quelqu’un t’as trahi sans ta connaisance, mais parce qu’il est jalous que tu es en avant.
الكلام اللين يغلب الحق البين
The soft words are more powerful than the naked truth
Les mots doux sont beaucoup plus puissants de la vérité nue
كلنا كالقمر .. له جانب مظلم
We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side
On est tous comme la lune, nous avons en nous ce c?té sembre
لا تتحدى إنسانا ليس لديه ما يخسره
Don’t challenge someone whao has nothing to loose
Ne lance pas un défi à quelqu’un qui n’a rien à perrdre
العين التي لا تبكي لا تبصر في الواقع شيئا
The eye which doesn’t know the meaning of tears, it doesn’t know anything opf value
L’oeil qui ne connait pas des larmes, elle ne connait rien de valeurs.
المهزوم إذا ابتسم أفقد المنتصر لذة الفوز
If the loser keeps his smile the winner will loose the thrill of victory.
Si le vaincu continu à garder son sourire il force le vainceur de perdre la jouissance du victoire
لا خير في يمنى بغير يسار
No benefit of a right without a left.
Aucun profit d’une droite sans la gauche
الجزع عند المصيبة، مصيبة أخرى
The panic from a catastrophe is another catastrophe
La panic dans un cas catastrophique un une catastrophe
الابتسامة كلمة معروفه من غير حروف
The smile is a famous word without letters
Le sourire est un mot sans caractères
اعمل على أن يحبك الناس عندما تغادر منصبك، كما يحبونك عندما تتسلمه
Be cheerful when gettin-out as when you coming-in
Soit acceuillant à ton départ comme à ton arrivé
لا تطعن في ذوق زوجتك، فقد اختارتك أولا
Don’t be critic to yor wife’s taste, she is the one who selected you at the first place.
Ne soit pas criticant du go?t de ta femme, rappele-toi qu’elle ta choisie au premier lieu
لن تستطيع أن تمنع طيور الهم أن تحلق فوق رأسك ولكنك تستطيع أن تمنعها من أن تعشش في راسك
You can’t chase worries flying over your head but you can do preventing them from nesting in your head
Tu ne peux pas empêcher les craintes de voler en sessus de votre tête mais tu peux les empêcher de faire un nid dans ta tête
كون صداقة مع القرش … لكن احذر أن يبتلعك
Dive with the shark but bewarre not to be swallowed
Nage avec les requins mais fais attention de ne pas être avaler
ذوو النفوس الدنيئة يجدون اللذة في التفتيش عن أخطاء العظماء
The demeanour will be thrilled in finding out a mistake of his great rival
إنك تخطو نحو الشيخوخة يوما مقابل كل دقيقة من الغضب
Every minute of anger will get you one more year older.
Chaque minute de colère vous rend un an plus vieux
إن بعض القول فن .. فاجعل الإصغاء فنا
Elocution is an art so let listening be a similar art
La diction est une art Il faut donc considerer l’écoute comme une art semblable
المستحيل ، مستحيل … لا يمكن أن يحدث
The impossible can never become possible
L’impossible est impossible
اللسان الطويل دلالة على اليد القصيرة
The gift of gab is a proof of jealousy
La langue pendue est une preuve de la jalousie.
نحن نحب الماضي لأنه ذهب، ولو عاد لكرهناه
We have nostalgia for the past because it is gone. If it comes back we would hate it.
Nous avons la nostalgie pour le passé parce que nous l’avons quitté, mais si il retournera nous allons le détester.
من علت همته طال همه
The one whose ambition is great so his worries
Celui qui as beaucoup d’ambition il a beaucoup de souci
من العظماء من يشعر المرء فى حضرته أنه صغير ولكن العظيم بحق هو من يشعر الجميع في حضرته بأنهم عظماء
People feel small in the presence of some of the great personality, yet the greatest is the one who let all around him feel great as well
Des gens qui sentent tout petit devant une grande personalité, cependant une personne est digne d’être appeler grand est celui qui laisse chaque personne de son entourage sentir important
من يطارد عصفورين يفقدهما معا
Celui qui chasse deux oiseaux en même temps il les perd tous les deux
Chase two birds at the same time and you will loose both.
المرأة هي نصف المجتمع ، وهي التي تلد و تربي النصف الآخر
The woman is half the society and the one who educates the other half
La femme est la moitié de la société et c’est elle qui élève l’autre moitié
لكل كلمة أذن، ولعل أذنك ليست لكلماتي، فلا تتهمني بالغموض
For every word their is a listener and probably my words don’t suit your ears. So please don’t accuse me of being ambiguous
Pour chaque mot en trouvera un écouteur et probablement mes mots ne te coviennent pas. Donc s’il te plait ne m’accuse pas d’être un ambigu
كلما ارتفع الإنسان تكاثفت حوله الغيوم والمحن
As more higher up one rises to as more clouds and problems will surround him.
Plus que la personne s’élevera plus que ses problèmes s’accroîtera
لا تجادل الأحمق ، فقد يخطئ الناس في التفريق بينكما
Don’t argue with an ignorant for it will be hard for people to differentiate between you
Ne pas discuter avec un ignorant, le monde seront mélés entre vous
الفشل في التخطيط يقود إلى التخطيط للفشل
The failure in planning will lead in planning to failure
L’échec en planification mènera en planification vers l’échec
قد يجد الجبان 36 حلا لمشكلته ولكن لا يعجبه سوى حل واحد منها وهو .. الفرار
The coward will find 36 solutions to his problem but the one will like most is fleeing
Le lâche trouvera 36 solutions pour son problème mais le plus qu’il préférera c’est de fuire
شق طريقك بابتسامتك خير لك من أن تشقها بسيفك
Better set your path with a smile than with a sword
Mieux creuser ton chemin avec un souris que le creuser avec une épée
من أطاع الواشي ضيع الصديق
If you listen to the telltale you will lose the friend
Si tu écoutes le rapporteur tu perds l’ami
أن تكون فردا في جماعة الأسود خير لك من أن تكون قائدا للنعام
Better being a cub in the family of Lions than being a king of the ostriches
Mieux d’être un lionceau dans une famille des lions qu’un roi des autruches
سبحان الله وبحمد ,, سبحان الله العظيم ولاحول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
سبحان الله و بحمده
Personification لتعلم الانجليزية
Definition: when you make a thing, idea, or an animal do something only humans can do.
"Wind yells while blowing"
"Wind yells while blowing" is an example of personification because wind cannot yell. Only a living thing can yell.
Necklace is a friend
"Necklace is a friend" is an example of personification because Necklace is a thing, and necklaces cannot be friends. Only living things can have friends.
Snow speaks to the people its
falling above in the glooming
Its white sparkling voice
as it falls through
the air.By Jake
Satin dreams of India.
Satin dreams of being
made into a beautiful sari.
A warm, Wonderful sari
Worn on an
Indian Princess.
Swaying in the wind.
Satin tell us to be soft and
gentle like her.By Autumn
STARSStars, bring me up with you
Bring me to the place
you sleep.
How do you do it?
Bring me to your home.
Bring your thoughts
to me.
Share them
with me.By Alex
Velvet remembers
how it wrapped around
Keeping me warm
on a snowy
Velvet remembers
how it laid softly
on my bed.
Velvet tells me not
to forget
it.By Rachael
wait for more and more
سبحان الله و بحمده
Girls love – 2 انجليزية